
About Filyra Vlastou-Dimopoulou

Filyra Vlastou - Dimopoulou is a social psychologist and a Phd student in human geography interested the politics and spatialities of urban migration. She studied psychology at the Panteion University of Athens and specialized in research methods in social psychology in Paris Descartes University, with a focus on place attachment at the neighborhood and city scale (MRes). Since 2017 she is a Phd student in Paris 1 Panthèon – Sorbonne and National Technical University in Athens (co-direction), studying the living together dynamics between migrants and locals in diverse urban spaces, adopting a socio-psychological approach. Since 2014 she has been participating (fieldwork and report drafting) in research projects on migration with the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) and the Panteion University, exploring among others: the post 2015 refugees’ experiences, locals’ human rights perceptions and labor exploitation of undocumented migrants. She is currently conducting research in the field of human geography on the post-2016 Turkish immigration in Athens, funded by European Union and participating in the EU-funded Horizon 2020 research project: TRAFIG “Transnational Figurations of Displacement”.
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