CU_IGU worshop 23-27 juillet 2022The IGU Urban Geography Commission in collaboration with the Geographie-cités CNRS research unit are pleased to invite you to its 2022 Annual Conference , taking place in the Université de Paris , Campus Grands Moulins from 23 rd to 27 th July 2022.

This event will be held following the IGU congress. It will bring together, as it does every year, about sixty urban specialists from twenty countries. The communications will be exclusively in English, based on abstracts which can be downloaded HERE. We strongly encourage the participation of young researchers. This year, the theme of the workshop is “Urban restructuring, property development and changes in cityscapes“, but papers can also be submitted on the following themes:
1. Cities as driver of, and driven by, transformational change
2. Cities, urban systems and nation states
3. Urban areas under pressure of transformation
4. Climate change, resilience, urban health and well-being
5. Governance, institutions, urban policy

The special focus of the Paris IGU workshop aims to shed light on the comparative processes of urban restructuring through the prism of real estate projects in diverse urban settings, from regional towns to major financial centers.
We invite papers adopting an actor-centric perspective to document the urban generation strategies of increasingly influent players in property development (e.g., infrastructure operators, key public landowners, financial investment funds, providers of essential services and/or smart technologies, civil society and social economy actors) and address the social-spatial effects of their projects.
Papers can also focus on State action at different levels to encourage or hinder these changes. We also welcome contributions on the spatial differentiations of property markets, and their implications for housing wealth accumulation in ageing societies.

We look forward to seeing you in Paris !


All the information about the congress and about our commission is available on the new IGU Urban Commission website.

Call for abstracts

The IGU Urban Geography Commission call for papers is open.

Anyone interested in submitting an abstract should do it on the template through the submission platform available on

The deadline for abstract submissions is 15 th February, 2022, but for researchers who wish to apply for the Early Career Researcher Award, the deadline is 1 st March, 2022.

Early career Award 2022

As part of its 2022 Annual Meeting the IGU Urban Commission once again offers a paper competition for Early Career Researchers in urban geography. The best paper (or papers) will win this year’s EARLY CAREER RESEARCHER AWARD to be presented during the Annual Meeting in Paris .
For more information


For information for the fees and the abstracts submission:
Informations pour les frais d’inscription et la soumission des résumés
Prof. Natacha Aveline-Dubach –
Organization & communication
Catherine Côme –
Urban visits
Mathilde Pedro –
Inès Delépine –
Fanny Cottet –