This page provides useful links and administrative documents.
Members area
Access to your personal WordPress space
Download the quick start guide
Watch the tutorial videos
Tutorial subjects (French only):
- Login to the backoffice (with WordPress)
- Post or modify a news
- Update your Member page
- Update your information in the UMR members list
- Post or modify a scientific program
- Manage the images
- Change your WordPress account
Need help to update your member page or to post news?
Send an email: contact ( at )
Other resource
UMR Rules and Regulations
Document available in French only
Research Assistance
Setting Up a Research Project (guide available in French only):
The objective of this small guide is to raise awareness among researchers, both novice and experienced, on the “good practices” to have during the four main stages of a research project, especially during the set-up phase, which is essential for the project leader.
Download the guide
Guide to Open Science:
In the Guide to Open Science, you will find general information about Open Science (brief history, legislation, the different debates underway, etc.), but also practical advice on open access publishing, how to avoid predatory publishers, how to open your data, where to deposit it, your copyright, dissemination licenses, etc.
For more details about Open Science at UMR, you can visit the Open Science page.
Documents available in French only
Prior to any business trip, you must fill out an Application for a Mission Order.
The Mission Order is equivalent to an authorization of absence from your employer and guarantees your coverage in case of accident. It also allows you to be reimbursed for expenses incurred, provided you produce supporting documents. Leaving without a Mission Order is a professional infraction.
Useful information:
- For the CNRS: : “Leaving on a Mission” Information
- For the University of Paris 1: Instructions for Work-related Travel
Preparing for your mission:
- Gather all the elements concerning the mission (object, date, place, means of transport, etc).
- Fill out the mission order form and send it to Martine AND Dorothée who will decide on the guardianship of the expense and inform you of the platform on which you will make your transportation and accommodation reservations.
- Consult the list of countries at risk for missions abroad. If your mission involves one of those listed, the procedure is different.
- Book your transportation and/or accommodation:
- for the CNRS via the Simbad portal
- for the University of Paris 1: Procedure available here
- for the University of Paris: Procedure available here
Upon return from your mission:
- Submit train tickets and/or boarding passes.
- If you have incurred expenses during your mission, do not forget to attach all the original receipts and documents justifying the expenses (train ticket invoices, boarding passes, meals, conference registration, etc.)
To make a purchase, you must fill out the purchase request form.
All requests must be sent by email to Martine AND Dorothée so that a written record is kept. These requests must be accompanied by the agreement of the team director and, if applicable, the thesis director.
Note: You cannot purchase or be reimbursed for a purchase of any kind.