
This is a list of the master’s programs in which UMR members are actively participating.

Master CarthaGéo Program

A degree in geomatics, focusing on two main fields: cartography and spatial analysis.

The Carthagéo Master’s Degree holds a notable place in the current landscape of geomatics training. Its uniqueness lies in the emphasis placed on cartographic representations and on spatial analysis. Students are thoroughly trained in management, analysis, and representation of digital geographic information. They are also equipped to understand the semantic and thematic dimension of geographic information. In this context, maintaining training quality and relevance to the evolutions of the geomatics field leads to a continued alignment of the training with the new technologies of cartography (both animated and interactive), and with the new forms of dissemination of geographic information—especially via the Internet.

The program is divided into two options related to two important components of geomatics:

  • the “thematic” option, which is aimed at students from a geography or other humanities and social sciences discipline;
  • the “digital” option, intended in particular for students with an “Engineering Sciences” background or with a university degree in computer science or mathematics. In this option, students follow a master’s degree program that is more oriented towards digital development in the field of geographic information.

The combination of the two options within the Carthagéo program enriches the students’ educational background. This is achieved via the pedagogical team, through teacher-researchers from the University and engineers and researchers from the ENSG and the IGN. The team also relies on professionals (internship, specific projects…).

Links : Paris 1 ; Paris 7 Diderot ; ENSG

Erasmus mundus TEMA+ Master

European Territories — Heritage and Development Master’s Program

The two-year (120 ECTS) Erasmus mundus TEMA+ – European Territories, Heritage and Development Master’s program is bilingual French/English and is coordinated by Eötvös Loránd University of Budapest in cooperation with the European Heritage Label (EHL) and various UNESCO bodies. Partners include the École des hautes études en sciences sociales (Paris), the University of Catania (Italy), Charles University in Prague (Czech Republic) and Laval University in Quebec (Canada).

Student mobility is shared between the coordinating university (semester 1) and the four partner universities (semesters 2, 3 and 4). The consortium awards double or multiple degrees.

As a key element of the TEMA+ program, European cultural heritage is studied at the global, national, regional, or local level, using a cross-disciplinary approach and critical reflection. It aims to train specialists in the field of European heritage—heritage professionals in national, regional, and local administrations and communities, in urban planning and from research institutions.

To know more about the program

Géoprisme Master 2 Program

Spatial analysis and modeling— Spatial dynamics in Europe – Development of savoirs in Geography
(Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne / University of Paris)

The Master 2 Geoprism aims to provide training in research careers (fundamental research, applied and operational research, research support) and in teaching careers. This training, co-accredited by the University of Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne and the University of Paris, since its creation in 1986 (formerly DEA ATEG, Theoretical and Epistemological Analysis in Geography, then Carthagéo-research), favours reflective practices, comparative approaches, and a structured learning of analytic processes, both qualitative and quantitative.

The specialization focuses particularly on three topics: (1) urban and regional studies (dynamics of cities and territories); (2) modelling and spatial analysis; (3) the development of geographic savoirs. The choice of methodological modules and specialization modules allows students to focus on one or another of these three directions, or even to combine them. A high proportion of graduates have obtained a doctorate (40%) and are currently working in academic and research institutions and public French institutions (e.g., INED, INSEE, ANCT), and a significant proportion of students have gone on to obtain the agrégation after the master’s degree (20%).

To know more about the program

Research, Consulting, and Intervention Master’s Program (Master Métiers des Etudes, du Conseil et de l’Intervention, MECI)

The MECI course provides multidisciplinary training in the fields of local planning and development, which over the past few years have become increasingly complex as a result of various territorial reforms. With a territorial approach, the master’s program aims to train people who will be able to develop both savoirs and the ability to manage complex situations involving elected officials, business leaders, employees, associations, government and local government agents, and residents. The territorial development issues addressed in the training program can concern both urban and rural areas. Emphasis is placed on the problems of articulating territorial policies, from the local to the European level, and on the ability to adapt to varied and evolving developments.

For several decades, local development has become a key reference for understanding and better controlling social change, as well as for the renovation of public policies, which are increasingly decentralized and linked to the territories. In this perspective, the ADL program aims to train students to understand the issues and actions that arise from a local development approach. This requires an ability to adapt to specific situations by learning methods for analysing and diagnosing territories, but also through training in setting up and running projects (including their legal and financial aspects), implementing evaluation procedures, and developing capacities of expression, initiative, and leadership.

Upon completion of this program, students can be recruited as generalists in local development or as facilitators, responsible for thematic territorial public policies.

To know more about the program

Master’s in Migration Program

The Master’s in Migration was created on the initiative and with the support of the Institut Convergences Migrations and is co-accredited by EHESS and the University of Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne.

The program responds to the growing need for expertise on migration issues, asylum, and discrimination. It aims to train specialists who benefit from a solid education in several disciplines: law, economics, demography, history, sociology, geography, and anthropology. The first objective is to acquire knowledge of the issues involved in migration, migration systems throughout the world, the place of migration in demographic dynamics, the legal bases and procedures, the determinants of migration and the economic issues involved, not to mention the analysis of controversies on immigration.

The other objective of the program is to develop students’ ability to produce, based on qualitative and quantitative data collection, savoirs on the living and health conditions of migrants, their motivations, their trajectories, and experiences. The training in methodologies with a view to professionalization is embodied through the realization of a common field of investigation and the individualized follow-up of students by a tutor throughout their training.

The added value of this new program is that it builds a truly interdisciplinary core curriculum, based on mandatory courses in the main disciplines (law, geography, history, anthropology/sociology, economics, etc.), to which are added workshops that put students in contact with field actors, particularly from the health sector. A wide range of existing courses and seminars at the University of Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne and at EHESS meet students’ thematic and disciplinary needs.

The aim is to qualify researchers and professionals specializing in the field of migration for work in international organizations, ministries, local authorities, public cultural or heritage institutions, NGOs, etc.

To know more about the program

Territories and Development – Territories, Spaces, Societies Track – Master’s Program

The “Territories and Development” program at EHESS offers a specialized two-year master program on cities, territories, landscapes, the environment, and development. The objective of this program is to provide, after a bachelor’s degree in one of the social science disciplines, a thematic and multidisciplinary specialization in the field of territorial and development sciences. The program favours both the comparison of different cultural areas and the crossing of various disciplinary approaches. It encourages research that is attentive to the articulation of scales, from local to global.

The territory and the city, the central themes of the “Territories, Spaces and Societies” program, present researchers with dynamic issues renewed by current events. The development of new public policies for cities and rural areas within the framework of regional planning, the acuteness of urban and environmental management issues, and the administrative and territorial recompositions brought about by decentralization, metropolization, and the development of networks and NICTs challenge the research achievements of the social sciences and provide them with the subject matter for reactivated interrogations.

Space is an area of study shared by different social sciences, within which it has often given rise to the constitution of new disciplinary branches. Beyond the fruitfulness that these different fields have had for their respective disciplines, it seems valuable today to introduce the counterpoint of a cross-reading, which calls upon the questions and tools of the different disciplines concerned. Open to students from various disciplines, this course brings together a team of historians, geographers, sociologists, anthropologists, and architect-urbanists. Thanks to the presence of specialists from several cultural areas, it invites the comparison of work inscribed in various times and spaces.

The course consists of a core curriculum, which is based on the acquisition of a base of knowledge in the fields of territory and city, through the reading of fundamental texts from all the social sciences, and on the teaching of research methods in the social sciences. This core curriculum is complemented by a choice of seminars specialized in research on a particular theme or geographic area.

To know more about the program

Master’s in Urban Planning and Development Program

The Master’s in Urban Planning and Development is a multidisciplinary program whose purpose is to train both high-level professionals and researchers. It aims to provide all students with a solid command of the theoretical tools needed to understand the contemporary challenges of city building and management, as well as a solid grasp of the mechanisms and practices of urban planning.

The Master’s Degree in Urban Planning and Development has been developed to meet the needs of specific professional outlets, characterized by highly multidisciplinary activities and, in the field of research, by scientific approaches characterized by the importance of action research, evaluation and forecasting. The general objective of the master’s program is therefore to train students to acquire a genuine professional culture. The course is accredited by the Association for the Promotion of Teaching and Research in Urban Planning and Development (APERAU).

The career opportunities are diversified: local authorities, municipalities, departments aand regions; State services; project management (developers, low-cost housing operators, SEMs, etc.); private research, development, management, and construction companies; private or public architectural and urban planning agencies; research consultancies; social landlords; transport actors; competitive examinations for the local civil service, etc.

For more information:
Urban planning and development at the University of Paris, 1
University of Paris 1 – presentation of the degree
Interactive Platform for Students and Teachers (University of Paris 1) concerning the degree