Scientific programs


Dates: 2025-2028

The aim of the Precare project is to contribute both theoretically and operationally to the analysis of precariousness in small and medium-sized French cities, and to the analysis of the public, associative and solidarity-based actions implemented to support the most vulnerable.

Sustainability of renewable energies

Dates: 2023 - 2025
The project aims at assessing the sustainability of electric renewable energy along the value chains, the concept of sustainability being understood in its social and environmental sense.

The territorial dimension of health crisis – DITES

Dates: 2022 - 2024

DITES project's objective is to reassess and propose methods of cooperation between the territorial levels in order to define modes of governance that would allow us to anticipate and adapt to different crises.


Dates: 2022 - 2025

The SPACE project aims to develop a dynamic, adaptive approach to urban sustainability. The project draws upon analyses of the risk factors and sociospatial patterns that drive dengue transmission in Singapore, as well as the social and technical skills developed by individuals, community groups and state actors in response to disease propagation.


Dates: 2022 - 2025

The research project LAPTER (Heritage and Tourism Labels in the Centre Val de Loire Region: a TERrritorial resource?) aims to answer the following question: what is the purpose of labels for heritage and tourism development? More precisely, it will look at whether - and to what extent - these labels are tools for territorial planning and local development.

From the World Before to the World After – MAMA

Dates: 2021-2024

Contribution of Géographie-cités to the project "Du Monde d'Avant au Monde d'Après" (MAMA), a multidimensional survey on the adjustments, dynamics and reorganizations caused by the Covid pandemic19.

DESIGNSHS. Graphic Design, Research, and Social Science Heritage

Dates: 2021 - 2025

The program aims to study and valorize the archives of the laboratory of cartography, then of graphics, directed by Jacques Bertin from 1954 to 1985 (EPHE then EHESS). The aim is to explore, from this major source, the relationships that were established between graphic creation and research in the human and social sciences in the second half of the 20th century.


Dates: 2020 - 2024

MobiTIC is a collaborative research program that gathers public research institutions (CNRS, IFSTTAR), the national statistics bureau (INSEE) and the main mobile network operator in France (Orange). We aim to develop a reproductible methodology to produce representative indicators of people presence and mobility, frequently updated and at very fine spatial and temporal scales.


Dates: 2020 - 2024

Through this project we aim to better understand the diversity of individuals musical taste, listening practices and effective music consumptions on streaming platforms. We develop indicators measuring the effects of recommendation (human and machine) on the listening history of users. To fulfill these objectives we combine traditional survey methods with big data analysis. The program is based upon a partnership between social scientists, computer scientists and one of the major music streaming platforms in France.

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