Université Paris Cité
claude.grasland ( at )
In brief…
I am a teacher and researcher interested in the spatial analysis of social facts. My research has been strongly influenced by Tobler’s first law of geography: “Everything is related to everything else, but near things are more related than distant things”. I suspect the existence of a second law of geography formulated as follows: “Everything is related to everything else, but things belonging to the same territory are more related than things located in different territories”. I am currently interested in the combination of the two laws for the analysis of regional divisions of the World.
1997 HDR (access full professor) : “Contribution to the analysis of territorial divisions”
1991 PhD of Geography, “Political Spaces and Demographic Dynamics in Europe (1950-90)”
1987 Master 2 of Geography, “Theoretical and Epistomological Analysis in Geography”
1986 Agregation of geography
1985 Master 1 of Geography : “Spatial discontinuities and political limits”
1985 Master 1 of History : “Political songs in Paris (1715-1723)”
1983-1987 Ecole Normale Supérieure de Saint Cloud, option Geography, (received 1st rank)
Professional positions
1999 – present Full Professor of Geography and Spatial Analysis, Université de Paris Cité / France
1991-1999 Junior Researcher (Chargé de Recherche) – UMR 8504 Géographie-cités/ CNRS / France
1987-1991 Lecturer in Geography – Université Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne/ France
1983-1987 Sudent (élève fonctionnaire) Ecole Normale Supérieure de Saint Cloud / France
Institutional responsibilities
2014-2024 Director of FR 2007 CIST (International College of Territorial Science)
1999-2012 Director of UMS 2414 RIATE (International Network for Spatial Planning in Europe)
1999-2012 Advice director of UMR 8504 Géographie-cités
Teaching activity
1999- present Full Professor of Geography and Spatial Analysis at University Paris Cité (192h / year)
1991-1998 Researcher-Lecturer at University Paris 7 Denis Diderot (60h/ year)
1987-1991 Lecturer in Geography at University Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne (192h / year)
Content of courses
Demography, Spatial Analysis, Political Geogaphy, Globalization, European Spatial Planning. …
Research projects
Project coordination
International projects
2020-2023 coPI, ANR-DFG, IMAGEUN : Maping Macroregional imaginations (350 k€, tot.700 k€)
2015-2017 PI, CNRS- PICS, Regionalization and mental maps in Tunisia (30 k€)
2011-2015 PI, ESPON 2013, Multi Dimensional Database and Design (1500 k€)
2009-2012 PI, FP7-SHS, EuroBroadMap : Visions of Europe seen from outside (1300 k€)
2008-2011 PI, ESPON 2013, ESPON Database (1500 k€)
2007-2008 PI, European Parliament, Shrinking regions (60 k€)
2005-2007 PI. ESPON 3.4.3, Modifiable Area Unit Problem (50 k€)
2004-2006 PI, ESPON 3.4.1, Europe in the World (250 k€)
National projects
2013-2015 PI, ANR CORPUS Geomedia : Structure and dynamic of media flows (275 k€)
Project participation
International projects
2017-2020 Part H2020, ODYCCEUS : Opin. Dynam. and Cult. Conflicts in Europ. (600 k€, tot. 6 M€)
2007-2008 Part, DG-REGIO, Vulnerability of EU regions to globalization (10k€ ,tot. 50 k€)
2006-2007 Part, European Parliament, Regional Disparities (5 k€, tot. 20 k€)
2004-2006 Part, ESPON 3.2, Scenarios for Europe (140 k€)
National projects
Name | Date | Type | Title (in english) | Position* |
DIDELON C. | 2004 | PhD | A new silk road? The use of communications media by companies in the Indian silk industry | FP |
GLEYZE J.F. | 2005 | PhD | The structural vulnerability of transport networks in a context of risk | O |
DE RUFFRAY S. | 2007 | HDR | Imprecision and uncertainty in geography: the contribution of fuzzy logic to the problems of regionalisation | FP |
BEN REBAH M. | 2008 | PhD | Dynamic cartography and territorial investigation: the case of administrative division in Tunisia | E |
HUMAIN-LAMOUR A.L. | 2008 | PhD | Creating territories for local democracy. The socio-political geography of neighbourhoods in the Île-de-France region | AP |
GAZULL L. | 2009 | PhD | The Bamako wood-energy supply basin. A spatial interaction model approach | E |
GUERRERO D. | 2010 | PhD | The areas of influence of French ports: between network and gravitation | R |
PLUMEJEAUD C. | 2011 | PhD | Models and methods for evolving spatio-temporal information | E |
LAPORTE A. | 2011 | PhD | From Bonn to Berlin: territories, memories and scales of politics | AP |
ZANIN C. | 2013 | HDR | Mapping and territorial analysis | FP |
LE TEXIER M. | 2014 | PhD | International circulation in Europe in the 19th century: from the study of monetary circulation to the modelling of a complex system | AP |
BAHOKEN F. | 2016 | PhD | Contribution to the mapping of a matrix of flows | E |
TOUREILLE E. | 2017 | PhD | Turkey in Europe, Turkey in the World: analysis of a macro-regional category in the light of a Turkish-centric geography of representations of Europe and the World | AP |
DUROUDIER S. | 2018 | PhD | Segregation and discontinuity in intermediate cities in the United States | AP |
LECONTE R. | 2022 | PhD | Covering the world’s borders: media coverage of borders and the geopolitical agenda of the European press | L |
LECUYER J. | 2022 | PhD | Countering peripheralization: public action and local development strategies in rural areas of eastern Germany (Mecklenburg-Vorpommern) | AP |
* Position in 2024 : L : Lecturer – AP : Assistant professor – FP : Professor – R Researcher – E : Research Engeneer – O : Other |
Selected publications
2022, Bennasr Ali, Claude Grasland; Nasr Monaem; Taher Yengui; Christine Zanin; Myriam Baron; Sophie de Ruffray; Ronan Ysebaert; Nicolas Lambert, Atlas électoral tunisien, halshs-03821659
2016, Pierre Beckouche; Claude Grasland; France Guérin-Pace; Jean-Yves Moisseron, Founding territorial sciences, hal-01356016
2016, Hadrossek Christine; Myriam Baron; Claude Grasland; Nicolas Lambert; Sophie de Ruffray; Christine Zanin, Maillages territoriaux, Démocratie et Election, hal-01383180
2012, Pierre Beckouche; Claude Grasland; F. Guérin-Pace; J.-Y. Moisseron, Fonder les sciences du territoire, halshs-01005407
2011, Pierre Beckouche; Claude Grasland; France Guérin-Pace; Jean-Yves Moisseron, Actes du colloque fondateur du CIST – Fonder les sciences du territoire (CIST2011), halshs-03323191
2010, Myriam Baron; Emmanuèle Cunningham-Sabot; Claude Grasland; Dominique Rivière; Gilles van Hamme, Villes et régions européennes en décroissance, maintenir la cohésion territoriale, halshs-00642353
2008, Clarisse Didelon; Claude Grasland; Yann Richard, Atlas de l’Europe dans le monde, halshs-00738353
2008, Pierre Beckouche; Claude Grasland; Clarisse Didelon; Yann Richard; Christine Zanin, Europe in the World. Territorial evidence and visions, hal-00702719
Book Chapter
2021, Clarisse Didelon-Loiseau; Claude Grasland; Hugues Pecout, L’Union européenne à la carte, hal-03812676
2020, Claude Grasland; Ronan Ysebaert; Marianne Guérois, Border discontinuities, halshs-03070318
2019, Claude Grasland; Lydia Lebon, Les représentations internes et externes de l’Union européenne au prisme des conséquences du Brexit : une approche géographique et juridique, lshs-02861175
2015, David Guerrero; Grasland Claude; César Ducruet, Explaining international trade flows with shipping-based distances, halshs-01374948
2012, Ronan Ysebaert; Nicolas Lambert; Claude Grasland; Benoit Le Rubrus; Marlène Villanova-Oliver; Jérôme Gensel; Christine Plumejeaud, HyperAtlas, un outil scientifique au service du débat politique – Application à la politique de cohésion de l’Union Européenne, hal-00954933
2010, Claude Grasland, Spatial analysis of social facts, halshs-00410669
International publications
2021, Claude Grasland; Etienne Toureille; Romain Leconte; Marta Severo, “Mapping International Geopolitical Agenda. Continuing National Conceptions of the Emerging European Crisis”, Frontiers in Big Data, DOI: 10.3389/fdata.2021.718809 ,HAL: halshs-03506950
2021, Marion Le Texier; Claude Grasland; France Guérin-Pace; Bénédicte Garnier, “Monitoring the distribution of euro coins across borders (2002–2010): A dataset on the contents of 22,500 European citizens’ wallet”, Data in Brief, DOI: 10.1016/j.dib.2021.107081 , HAL: hal-03232625
2019, Romain Leconte; Etienne Toureille; Claude Grasland, “The « migratory crisis » as a media artefact. Space-time dynamics of the global agenda of the press in 2015”, Socio-anthropologie, DOI: 10.4000/socio-anthropologie.6235 , URI: halshs-02915917
2019, Maud Devès; Marion Le Texier; Hugues Pecout; Claude Grasland, “Seismic risk: the biases of earthquake media coverage”, Geoscience Communication, DOI: 10.5194/gc-2-125-2019 , URI: halshs-02297292
2018, Claude Grasland, “International news flows theory revisited through a space-time interaction model”, International Communication Gazette, DOI: 10.1177/1748048518825091 , URI: hal-01892635
2017, Myriam Baron; Sophie de Ruffray; Walid Achouri; Khaoula Saadaoui; Ali Bennasr; Claude Grasland “Complexity and stakes of territorial links. Variations from the Tunisian case”, L’Année du Maghreb, DOI: 10.4000/anneemaghreb.2985 , HAL: halshs-01592880
2015, Claude Grasland; Marion Le Texier, “International integration of places: concepts and measures. Applications to the international trade (1995-2007) and the euro coins dissemination in France (2002-2011)”, Revue d’économie régionale et urbaine, URI: hal-01651863