


Université Paris Cité


claude.grasland ( at )

In brief…

I am a teacher and researcher interested in the spatial analysis of social facts. My research has been strongly influenced by Tobler’s first law of geography: “Everything is related to everything else, but near things are more related than distant things”. I suspect the existence of a second law of geography formulated as follows: “Everything is related to everything else, but things belonging to the same territory are more related than things located in different territories”. I am currently interested in the combination of the two laws for the analysis of regional divisions of the World.


1997 HDR (access full professor) : “Contribution to the analysis of territorial divisions

1991 PhD of Geography,  “Political Spaces and Demographic Dynamics in Europe (1950-90)”

1987 Master 2 of Geography, “Theoretical and Epistomological Analysis in Geography

1986 Agregation of geography

1985 Master 1 of Geography : “Spatial discontinuities and political limits

1985 Master 1 of History : “Political songs in Paris (1715-1723)”

1983-1987 Ecole Normale Supérieure de Saint Cloud, option Geography, (received 1st rank)

Professional positions

1999 – present Full Professor of Geography and Spatial Analysis, Université de Paris Cité / France

1991-1999        Junior Researcher (Chargé de Recherche) – UMR 8504 Géographie-cités/ CNRS / France

1987-1991        Lecturer in Geography – Université Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne/ France

1983-1987       Sudent (élève fonctionnaire) Ecole Normale Supérieure de Saint Cloud / France

Institutional responsibilities

2014-2024        Director of FR 2007 CIST (International College of Territorial Science)

1999-2012        Director of UMS 2414 RIATE (International Network for Spatial Planning in Europe)

1999-2012        Advice director of UMR 8504 Géographie-cités

Teaching activity


1999- present   Full Professor of Geography and Spatial Analysis at University Paris Cité (192h / year)

1991-1998          Researcher-Lecturer at University Paris 7 Denis Diderot (60h/ year)

1987-1991          Lecturer in Geography at University Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne (192h / year)

Content of courses

Demography, Spatial Analysis, Political Geogaphy, Globalization, European Spatial Planning. …

Research projects

Project coordination

International projects

2020-2023       coPI,  ANR-DFG,  IMAGEUN : Maping Macroregional imaginations (350 k€, tot.700 k€)

2015-2017       PI, CNRS- PICS, Regionalization and mental maps in Tunisia (30 k€)

2011-2015       PI, ESPON 2013, Multi Dimensional Database and Design (1500 k€)

2009-2012       PI, FP7-SHS,  EuroBroadMap : Visions of Europe seen from outside (1300 k€)

2008-2011       PI, ESPON 2013, ESPON Database  (1500 k€)

2007-2008       PI, European Parliament, Shrinking regions (60 k€)

2005-2007       PI. ESPON 3.4.3, Modifiable Area Unit Problem (50 k€)

2004-2006       PI, ESPON 3.4.1, Europe in the World (250 k€)

National projects

2013-2015       PI, ANR CORPUS Geomedia : Structure and dynamic of media flows (275 k€)

Project participation

International projects

2017-2020       Part H2020, ODYCCEUS : Opin. Dynam. and Cult. Conflicts in Europ. (600 k€, tot. 6 M€)

2007-2008       Part, DG-REGIO, Vulnerability of EU regions to globalization (10k€ ,tot. 50 k€)

2006-2007        Part, European Parliament, Regional Disparities  (5 k€, tot. 20 k€)

2004-2006       Part,  ESPON 3.2, Scenarios for Europe (140 k€)

National projects


Name Date Type Title (in english) Position*
DIDELON C. 2004 PhD A new silk road? The use of communications media by companies in the Indian silk industry FP
GLEYZE J.F. 2005 PhD The structural vulnerability of transport networks in a context of risk O
DE RUFFRAY S. 2007 HDR Imprecision and uncertainty in geography: the contribution of fuzzy logic to the problems of regionalisation FP
BEN REBAH M. 2008 PhD Dynamic cartography and territorial investigation: the case of administrative division in Tunisia E
HUMAIN-LAMOUR A.L. 2008 PhD Creating territories for local democracy. The socio-political geography of neighbourhoods in the Île-de-France region AP
GAZULL L. 2009 PhD The Bamako wood-energy supply basin. A spatial interaction model approach E
GUERRERO D. 2010 PhD The areas of influence of French ports: between network and gravitation R
PLUMEJEAUD C. 2011 PhD Models and methods for evolving spatio-temporal information E
LAPORTE A. 2011 PhD From Bonn to Berlin: territories, memories and scales of politics AP
ZANIN C. 2013 HDR Mapping and territorial analysis FP
LE TEXIER M. 2014 PhD International circulation in Europe in the 19th century: from the study of monetary circulation to the modelling of a complex system AP
BAHOKEN F. 2016 PhD Contribution to the mapping of a matrix of flows E
TOUREILLE E. 2017 PhD Turkey in Europe, Turkey in the World: analysis of a macro-regional category in the light of a Turkish-centric geography of representations of Europe and the World AP
DUROUDIER S. 2018 PhD Segregation and discontinuity in intermediate cities in the United States AP
LECONTE R. 2022 PhD Covering the world’s borders: media coverage of borders and the geopolitical agenda of the European press L
LECUYER J. 2022 PhD Countering peripheralization: public action and local development strategies in rural areas of eastern Germany (Mecklenburg-Vorpommern) AP
* Position in 2024 : L : Lecturer   –   AP : Assistant professor  – FP : Professor  – R Researcher – E : Research Engeneer – O : Other

Selected publications


2022, Bennasr Ali, Claude Grasland; Nasr Monaem; Taher Yengui; Christine Zanin; Myriam Baron; Sophie de Ruffray; Ronan Ysebaert; Nicolas Lambert, Atlas électoral tunisien,  halshs-03821659

2016, Pierre Beckouche; Claude Grasland; France Guérin-Pace; Jean-Yves Moisseron, Founding territorial sciences, hal-01356016

2016, Hadrossek Christine; Myriam Baron; Claude Grasland; Nicolas Lambert; Sophie de Ruffray; Christine Zanin, Maillages territoriaux, Démocratie et Election, hal-01383180

2012, Pierre Beckouche; Claude Grasland; F. Guérin-Pace; J.-Y. Moisseron, Fonder les sciences du territoirehalshs-01005407

2011, Pierre Beckouche; Claude Grasland; France Guérin-Pace; Jean-Yves Moisseron, Actes du colloque fondateur du CIST – Fonder les sciences du territoire (CIST2011)halshs-03323191

2010, Myriam Baron; Emmanuèle Cunningham-Sabot; Claude Grasland; Dominique Rivière; Gilles van Hamme, Villes et régions européennes en décroissance, maintenir la cohésion territoriale, halshs-00642353

2008, Clarisse Didelon; Claude Grasland; Yann Richard, Atlas de l’Europe dans le monde, halshs-00738353

2008, Pierre Beckouche; Claude Grasland; Clarisse Didelon; Yann Richard; Christine Zanin, Europe in the World. Territorial evidence and visions, hal-00702719

Book Chapter

2021, Clarisse Didelon-Loiseau; Claude Grasland; Hugues Pecout, L’Union européenne à la carte, hal-03812676

2020, Claude Grasland; Ronan Ysebaert; Marianne Guérois, Border discontinuities, halshs-03070318

2019, Claude Grasland; Lydia Lebon, Les représentations internes et externes de l’Union européenne au prisme des conséquences du Brexit : une approche géographique et juridique, lshs-02861175

2015, David Guerrero; Grasland Claude; César Ducruet, Explaining international trade flows with shipping-based distances, halshs-01374948

2012, Ronan Ysebaert; Nicolas Lambert; Claude Grasland; Benoit Le Rubrus; Marlène Villanova-Oliver; Jérôme Gensel; Christine Plumejeaud, HyperAtlas, un outil scientifique au service du débat politique – Application à la politique de cohésion de l’Union Européenne, hal-00954933

2010, Claude Grasland, Spatial analysis of social facts, halshs-00410669 

International publications

2021, Claude Grasland; Etienne Toureille; Romain Leconte; Marta Severo, “Mapping International Geopolitical Agenda. Continuing National Conceptions of the Emerging European Crisis”, Frontiers in Big Data, DOI: 10.3389/fdata.2021.718809  ,HAL: halshs-03506950

2021, Marion Le Texier; Claude Grasland; France Guérin-Pace; Bénédicte Garnier, “Monitoring the distribution of euro coins across borders (2002–2010): A dataset on the contents of 22,500 European citizens’ wallet”, Data in Brief, DOI: 10.1016/j.dib.2021.107081 , HAL: hal-03232625

2019, Romain Leconte; Etienne Toureille; Claude Grasland, “The « migratory crisis » as a media artefact. Space-time dynamics of the global agenda of the press in 2015”, Socio-anthropologie,  DOI: 10.4000/socio-anthropologie.6235  , URI: halshs-02915917

2019, Maud Devès; Marion Le Texier; Hugues Pecout; Claude Grasland, “Seismic risk: the biases of earthquake media coverage”, Geoscience Communication, DOI: 10.5194/gc-2-125-2019 , URI: halshs-02297292

2018, Claude Grasland, “International news flows theory revisited through a space-time interaction model”, International Communication Gazette, DOI: 10.1177/1748048518825091 , URI: hal-01892635

2017, Myriam Baron; Sophie de Ruffray; Walid Achouri; Khaoula Saadaoui; Ali Bennasr; Claude Grasland “Complexity and stakes of territorial links. Variations from the Tunisian case”, L’Année du Maghreb, DOI: 10.4000/anneemaghreb.2985 , HAL: halshs-01592880

2015, Claude Grasland; Marion Le Texier, “International integration of places: concepts and measures. Applications to the international trade (1995-2007) and the euro coins dissemination in France (2002-2011)”, Revue d’économie régionale et urbaine, URI: hal-01651863