Gábor OLÁH
PhD Graduate
olah.gabor ( at )
Research theme
history of urbanism, conceptual history of neighborhood, cultural heritage
Géographie-cités • Campus Condorcet
5 cours des Humanités
93322 Aubervilliers cedex (France)
Cell: +33 (0)7 63 49 34 39
2017/8-2023 Thesis in urban studies and history – ELTE-EHESS joint supervision – “Protected urban spaces: the conceptual history of the historic centre of Budapest (1928-1987)” (under the supervision of Marie-Vic Ozouf-Marignier and Gábor Sonkoly)
2013-2015 Master in Regional Economic and Environmental Studies – Polytechnic and Economic University of Budapest (BME) – “Resilience at the neighborhood level. The capacity of the neighborhoods of Józsefváros to adapt to climate change ” (under the supervision of Mária Csete)
2009-2012 Master in History, Specialty “Urban and spatial history” / Master 2 in Territories, spaces, societies – ELTE-EHESS joint supervision – “L’histoire du quartier à Budapest. Études sur l’existence des quartiers dans la capitale hongroise entre 1870 et 2010” (under the supervision of Marie-Vic Ozouf-Marignier and Gábor Sonkoly)
2006-2009 BA in History – Eötvös Loránd University (ELTE), Budapest – The Social History of Palotanegyed (under the supervision of Gábor Sonkoly)
Professional positions
2021- International Project Manager (in progress) – National Digital Heritage Laboratory, Eötvös Loránd University
2017- Research assistant (in progress) – Atelier Department for Interdisciplinary History, Eötvös Loránd University
2018-2019 External curator – Hungarian Technical and Transportation Museum, Budapest
2013-2014 Intern, Junior Analyst-Planner – CESCI Central European Service for Cross-Border Initiatives, Budapest
Scientific activities
Project participation
International projects
2020-2024 UNCHARTED “Understanding, Capturing and Fostering the Societal Value of Culture” (ongoing) within the framework of the European program “Horizon 2020”.
2017-2020 REACH “RE-designing Access to Cultural Heritage for a wider participation in preservation, (re-) use and management of European culture” within the framework of the European program “Horizon 2020”.
National projects (in Hungary)
2021-2025 National Digital Heritage Laboratory (ongoing) funded by the Hungarian Ministry of Innovation and Technology, coordinated by the Department of Digital Humanities at Eötvös Loránd University.
2020-2021 Institutional Excellence Program in Higher Education, funded by the Hungarian Ministry of Innovation and Technology, coordinated by “Atelier” Department for Interdisciplinary History at Eötvös Loránd University.
2020 Development of e-curriculum modules (subject: City and digital technology), coordinated by the Centre for Digital Humanities at Eötvös Loránd University.
Organization of scientific events
International conferences
2019 “Syposium Horizon for Heritage Research”, European Commission, Brussels, March 20, 2019. Co-animation of the sessions “Liaisons and links with existing groups and networks” with FRESA A. and “Intangible cultural heritage” with BITUŠÍKOVÁ S.
2018 “REACH Opening conference: Resilient cultural heritage and communities in Europe”, Hungarian National Museum, Budapest, May 10-11, 2018.
National conferences (in Hungary)
2019 “Józsefváros roma öröksége”, [The heritage of the Roma of the 8th District of Budapest], Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, February 12, 2019.
2018 “Örökség esték 8. Az örökség alul nézetből”, [Heritage Evenings no. 8. Heritage seen from below “], Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, November 8, 2018.
2020 Peer review of an article for the English special issue of
Journal articles
in English
OLÁH G. (2020), “In search of resilient urban space: Pest’s city center at the crossroads of tradition and innovation, 1928–1944”,, vol. 10, no. SI8, pp. 59-74.
GYÖRGY E., OLÁH G. (2018), “The creation of resilient Roma cultural heritage. Case study of a bottom-up initiative from North-Eastern Hungary ”,, Special Issue, pp. 37–50.
in Hungarian
OLÁH G. (2021), “Város a tájban – táj a városban. A tájfogalom a magyar várostervezői gondolkodásban (1930–1955) ”[The city in the landscape – the landscape in the city. The Concept of Landscape in the Thought of Hungarian Town Planners (1930-1955)], Utóirat: a Magyar Építőművészet elméleti melléklete, vol. 112. 63-67.
CSICSICS A., MRAVIK P., OLÁH G. (2019), “Történész a tiszta szobában: beszámoló a Hajnal István Kör 2018. évi konferenciájáról” [Historian in the “clean room”: report of the 2018 conference of the Circle Hajnal István ] Korall, vol. 75, pp. 134-141.
OLÁH G. (2010), “Lak-hatóság: az I. világháború hatása a budapesti lakáskérdésre” [The impact of the First World War on the question of housing in Budapest], Korall, vol. 40, pp. 146-162.
Book Chapter and volume edition
in Hungarian
OLÁH G. (2020), A védett városi tér szocialista realista verziói: építészdiskurzus Pest történeti negyedeiről (1949–1955). [Socialist realist versions of the protected urban space: the architectural discourse on the historic districts of Pest (1949-1955)] In: LÁSZLÓFI V., MRAVIK P., OLÁH G., SIDÓ A. (eds.), Atelier 30 : műhelytanulmányok [Atelier 30: Workshop studies], Budapest: Atelier Interdiszciplináris Történeti Tanszék, 45-71.
Project deliverables
ZARLENGA M., RODRÍGUEZ MORATÓ A., CLOT GARRELL A., PERALTA LLADO A., ZAN L., BOARI C., FERRI P., SOTTILOTTA M., NAPOLITANO S., ORELLI R. L., LOVERSO A. C., GYÖRGY E., OLÁH G., SONKOLY G. (2021), UNCHARTED Deliverable D2.4: Report on the emergence of values in cultural production and heritage, p. 38.
DEDIEU C., DUPIN-MEYNARD F., GYÖRGY E., NÉGRIER E., OLÁH G., SONKOLY G. (2020), UNCHARTED Deliverable D1.5: Analysis of the European historical and political experience in acknowledging and promoting the values of culture, p. 19.
GYÖRGY E., OLÁH G., TEIXEIRA LOPES J., APOLINÁRIO S., FERRO L., AZEVEDO N. (2020), UNCHARTED Deliverable D1.2: Analysis of the influence of urbanisation and social and spatial segregation in cities in the configuration of the values in culture, p. 16.
GYÖRGY E., OLÁH G., HAMMERTON T., O’SULLIVAN E., COLELLA S. (2020), REACH Deliverable D7.1: REACH findings on resilient European cultural heritage, p. 52.
GYÖRGY E., OLÁH G., SONKOLY G., HAMMERTON T. (2020), REACH Deliverable D5.2: Minority heritage pilot results, p. 56.
GYÖRGY E., OLÁH G., SONKOLY G., HAMMERTON T., KIEFT E. (2019), REACH Deliverable D3.1: Participatory models, p. 54.
GYÖRGY E., OLÁH G., HAMMERTON, T. (2019), REACH Deliverable D3.2: Selection of projects and mapping of clustered research findings, p. 59.
Oral communications
Communication in international conferences
- APOLINÁRIO S., OLÁH G. (2021), « The influence of urbanisation and social and spatial segregation in cities in the configuration of the values of culture », presentation at the workshop « 1st UNCHARTED co-creation workshop: Cultural values in the cultural sphere », organised by Porto University, Porto (Portugal), September 16, 2021.
- OLÁH G. (2020), “The creation of resilient Roma heritage”, presentation at the conference “Resilience for European Cultural Heritage”, organised by Charles University, Prague (Czechia), March 6, 2020.
- OLÁH G. (2018), “Current trends and topics in heritage and participation: social cohesion & inclusion”, presentation at the conference “The Faro Convention in Research-Action”, organized by the University of Huelva, Huelva (Spain), December 14, 2018.
- OLÁH G. (2018), “The Social History of Management of Change. The applicability of the Model of Resilience in Social Sciences ”, presentation at the conference “International Summer Academy: Diversity beyond Nation / State, 1948-2013 ”, organised by Babeş-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca (Romania), on 11 September 2018.
- GYÖRGY E., OLÁH G. (2018), “The creation of resilient Roma cultural heritage. The case study of a bottom-up initiative from North-Eastern Hungary ”, presentation at the conference“ Cultural heritage, social cohesion and place attachment ”, organized by the Institute of Sociology of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest (Hungary), March 21, 2018.
Communications in national conferences (in Hungary)
- OLÁH G. (2021), “Reziliens városi tér: a hagyomány és a modernitás összeegyeztetésének módjai Pest belvárosi negyedeiben (1928–1944)”, [Resilient urban space: compatibility between tradition and modernity in the districts of downtown Pest (1928 -1944)], presentation at the conference “Reziliencia és adaptáció” [Resilience and adaptation] organised by Atelier Department for Interdisciplinary History (ELTE), Budapest, September 23, 2021.
- OLÁH G. (2021), “A városi tájfogalom genezise Magyarországon. A tájföldrajz és a szellemtörténet kapcsolódásai az építészdiskurzusokkal (1930–1955) ”, [The genesis of the concept of urban landscape in Hungary. Relations between landscape geography, intellectual history and architectural discourse (1930-1955)], presentation at the National Program of Excellence conference, online, August 31, 2021.
- OLÁH G. (2021), “A védett tér nyomában. A történeti városnegyed genezise Budapesten (1928–1944) ”, [In search of protected space: the genesis of the historic district of Budapest (1928-1944)], presentation at the doctoral students’ day“ Atelier 30 ”organised by the Atelier Department for Interdisciplinary History (ELTE), online, March 26, 2021.
- OLÁH G. (2018), “A REACH-projekt”, [The REACH project], presentation and round table at the conference “Örökség esték 8. Az örökség alul nézetből”, [Heritage Evenings no. 8. Heritage seen from below “] organised by Atelier Department for Interdisciplinary History (ELTE), Budapest, 8 November 2018.
Administrative responsibilities
2019 Proposal writing for the call “WIDESPREAD-06-2020: ERA Chairs” within the framework of the “Horizon 2020” program – Centre for Digital Humanities, Eötvös Loránd University
Honors, Awards and Fellowships
2021 Erasmus + research grant – EHESS, 14 days
2021 Erasmus + study grant – EHESS, 5 months
2020-2021 Research grant for doctoral students – National Program of Excellence (Hungary), 12 months
2019-2021 French government scholarship – EHESS, 15 months
2019 Erasmus + research grant – EHESS, 14 days
2018 International Summer Academy: Diversity beyond Nation / State – Babeş-Bolyai University (Cluj-Napoca, Romania), 6 days
2010-2011 Erasmus study grant – EHESS, 10 months