PhD student
Pantheon-Sorbonne University
EHGO (History and epistemology of geography)
hugo.cupri ( at )
Research theme
Social and conceptual history of geography – French geopolitics’ and political géography’s history.
Transversal subjects
Stabilities and fluidity of geographical objects
Géographie-cités • Campus Condorcet
5 cours des Humanités
93322 Aubervilliers cedex (France)
My doctoral thesis is interested, between the end of the nineteenth century and the end of the twentieth century, in the way geographers have understood or even been interested in a word – politics – and in the disciplinary horizons it opened up, without prejudging any continuity. It seeks to explore the variety of cognitive and linguistic configurations attached to “politics” – in particular “political geography” and “geopolitics” – and to its fluctuating lexical procession over time. From an epistemological point of view, I wonder if politics, and the meanings geographers attribute to it (it can be a geographical object, a category of thought, a (militant) commitment in research), lead to specific (scientific) treatments and mobilizations and certain “research styles”. Finally, I wonder if the mobilization of politics in geography is based on practical aims or even a form of commitment to the city and I try to reconstruct the boundaries that geographers would have, depending on the moment, drawn between “politics” and the science they practice.