CNRS professor
natacha.aveline (at)
Research theme
- Financialization of real estate (France, Japan, China, Hong Kong)
- Urban land policies (France, Japan, China, Hong Kong)
- Territorial impact of ageing (Japan, China)
- Risk factors and sociospatial patterns of infectious diseases in the built environment (Singapore)
Transversal subjects
Making the City: Processes, Actors, Practices
Géographie-cités • Campus Condorcet
5 cours des Humanités
93322 Aubervilliers cedex (France)
My research focuses on the political economy of real estate, particularly in North-East Asia (Japan, Hong Kong, China). I have explored the relationships between land/real estate cycles, government policies and the socio-material forms of the built environment (including funeral artefacts) in several urban regions. My recent research addresses the financialisation of real estate and land value capture mechanisms applied to railway infrastructure. I am also Lead PI of the French-Singaporean SPACE project which analyses the risk factors and sociospatial patterns of infectious diseases (dengue and COVID 19) in Singapore’s urban environment. This project is co-led by Shirley Ho at NTU and funded by the Singapore National Research Foundation under the Create Campus for Research Excellence and Technological Enterprise.
2005 Habilitation to supervise research, college 24 (Urban Geography), University Lyon 2.
1993 PhD in Urban Sciences, Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, Paris.
1986 Master in Physical Geography (hydrology/climatology), University Paris IV-Sorbonne.
1984 Bachelor in Physical Geography, University Strasbourg.
1982 Bachelor in History, University Strasbourg.
East-Asian languages
1992 Bachelor in Japanese language and civilization, Institut National des Langues Orientales, Paris.
2012 National certificate HSK level 4 in Mandarin Chinese (intermediate). Current level close to HSK 5 (advanced).
Professional positions
Current position Permanent research director at CNRS (equivalent professor), affiliated with the Geographie-Cités research unit. From November 2022 to September 2024: affiliated with CNRS@CREATE in Singapore
2011-2012 Assigned by CNRS to the Center for Research on Contemporary China (CEFC) in Hong Kong, visiting scholar at the Department of Real Estate and Construction of Hong Kong University.
2010-2011 Assigned by CNRS at the Institute for Research in Contemporary Japan, Tokyo. Visiting scholar at Tokyo University.
2006-2010 Director of the CNRS North Asia regional office (Japan, South Korea, Taiwan), based in Tokyo.
2002-2006 CNRS researcher at the Institute for East Asian Studies, ENS, university Lyon 2
2000-2002 Detached at the French ministry of Foreign affairs, affiliated with the Institute for Research in Contemporary Japan, Tokyo. Visiting scholar at Waseda University
1999-2000 12 months stay in Kyoto with a scholarship from the Europe Canon Foundation. Visiting scholar at Department of Economy, university of Kyoto
1993-1999 CNRS researcher at the Interdisciplinary Centre for Urban Studies, university Toulouse 2
1986-1990 Marketing consultant in the Housing for Sale Department, Federation of Social Housing Companies (UNFO-HLM), Paris. Consulting on housing markets and financial/commercial feasibility of housing development projects allover France)
Scientific activities
Project management as Lead PI
2022-2025 – Project Lead of the French-Singaporean SPACE project “Shaping Public Adaptive Capacity For Environmental Infectious Diseases”. This project is part of the INTRA-CREATE call “Science of Sustainable Cities”. Funded by the National Research Agency in Singapore and co-led by Shirley Ho from NTU, SPACE is managed by the international CNRS subsidiary CNRS@CREATE.
2015-2018: Project Lead of the European MEDIUM project.Entitled “New pathways for sustainable urban development in China’s medium-sized cities“, this project was funded by the European Commission and involved the following partners: Sun Yat Sen university, Hangzhou Normal University, Datong university, Science Po Aix, Lausanne university, university Ca’ Foscari Venezia.
2013-2016 : Project Lead of the ANR FINURBASIE project, « Expansion of market finance and urban production in Asia, China and India compared», in partnership with LATTS.
2006-2010: Project Lead of the ANR FunerAsie project, “The Growth of the Funeral Industry in North-East Asia: Economic, Spatial and Religious Challenges”. This project involved a team of Japanese-speaking French and Korean scholars, as well as Chinese-and Korean-speaking Japanese scholars.
Lead Pi of French teams or work packages
2019-2023: Lead PI of the French team of the Sino-European “Financing Clean Air ” project. WP3 “Alternative land value capture mechanisms to support air quality enhancing sustainable transport”. Project led by the University of Liverpool, in partnership with the universities of Paris Effeil, Tongji university, Xian Jiaotong university, Radbud university (ANR funding for France).
2015-2018: Lead PI of the WP5 of the Odessa project, “Optimizing care Delivery modelS to Support Ageing-in-place: towards autonomy, affordability and financial sustainability” under Euro-China UPC program. This project was led by the university Sheffield and involved partnerships with university Dauphine and university Tsinghua (ANR funding ).
2011: Lead PI of the Japan team of the project “The challenges of urban growth and decline for regional planning, perspectives from Japan and Canada” founded by the French Agency for Regional Planning (now CGET).
2010-2011: Lead PI of the French team of the France-Taiwan bilateral project “Globalization and Urban Dynamics in Asia: Taiwanese and French Perspectives”, jointly founded by CNRS and NSC. Webpage
Co-investigator in research projects
2019-2023: Co-investigator of the ANR project Vino Rosa project “The Cities of the new Silk Road in South-East Asia”, lead by Adèle Esposito.
Articles in peer-review journals (since 2000)
ESPOSITO ANDUJAR A.., FAUVEAUD G. GIBERT-FLUTRE M.,AVELINE-DUBACH N., LIY Y., HENRIOT K., MOSER S. (2023), How does the ‘Belt and Road Initiative’ change urbanisation patterns in Southeast Asia? Asia Pacific Viewpoint, DOI: 10.1111/apv.12391. Online access
AVELINE-DUBACH N. 2022, Financializing nursing homes? The uneven development of Health care REITs in France, the United Kingdom and Japan, Environment and Planning A. DOI: 10.1177/0308518X211072865. Online access
WANG P, AVELINE-DUBACH N, 2021, Les métropoles chinoises face à la pénurie d’aides-soignantes dans les maisons de retraite. Les cas comparés de Hangzhou et Zhengzhou [Chinese metropolises face shortage of caregivers in nursing homes. The comparative cases of Hangzhou and Zhengzhou], Gérontologie et Société, 43, 165, 227-244. DOI : 10.3917/gs1.165.0227 Online access
LEGOIX R, CASANOVA EINAUD L, BONNEVAL L, LE CORRE T, BENITEZ-GAMBIRAZIO E. BOULAY G, KUTZ W. AVELINE N, MIGOZZI J, YSEBAERT R, 2020, Housing (In)equity and the Spatial Dynamics of Homeownership in France: A Research Agenda, Tijdschrift voor economische en sociale geografie, DOI: 10.1111/tesg.12460 Online access
AVELINE-DUBACH N, 2020, The Financialization of Rental Housing in Tokyo. Land Use Policy, DOI: 10.1016/j.landusepol.2020.104463. Online access
AVELINE-DUBACH N, BLANDEAU G, 2019, The Political Economy of Transit Value Capture: The Changing Business Model of the MTRC in Hong Kong, Urban Studies, 56 (16), 3415-343. DOI: 10.1177/0042098018821519. Online access
N’DIAYE O, AVELINE-DUBACH N, LEGOIX R; 2018, The adoption of smart grid technology by Japanese developers: A real
estate perspective on the smart city. L’Espace géographique, 47, 4, 289-304. DOI : 10.3917/eg.474.0289. Online access
AVELINE-DUBACH N, 2017, La centralité du foncier dans le régime d’accumulation du capital en Chine [The centrality of land in the regime of capital accumulation in China], Revue de la Régulation, 21, 25 p. DOI : 10.4000/regulation.12262. Online access
AVELINE-DUBACH N, 2016, Embedment of ‘Liquid’ Capital into the Built Environment: The Case of REIT Investment in Hong Kong, Issues & Studies, Vol. 52, n° 4, 32 p. DOI: 10. 1142/S1013251116400014. Online access
AVELINE-DUBACH N, 2016, Land and Real Estate in Northeast Asia, New Approaches in an Era of Financialization, Issues & Studies, Vol. 52, n° 4, 11 p. DOI: 10.1142/S101325111602001. Online access
AVELINE-DUBACH N, 2013, Finance Capital Launches an Assault on Real Estate, China Perspectives, 2, 29-39. DOI: 10.4000/chinaperspectives.6157. Online access
AVELINE-DUBACH N, 2009, Etat de la recherche sur les marchés immobiliers : pour une prise en compte de l’approche sociologique [State of research on real estate markets: for a consideration of the sociological approach], Nichifutsu shakaigaku nenpo, 18,55-65.
AVELINE N, 2003, L’expérience particulière du Japon en matière de renouvellement urbain [Japan’s particular experience in urban renewal], Droit et Ville, Presses de l’université de Toulouse, 55, 59-69. Online access
AVELINE N, 2001, フランスにおける現状と課題, Furansu ni okeru tochimondai no genjô to kadai [Contemporary land issues in France] Review of Comparative Law, Waseda University Press, 67, 131-145. Online access
AVELINE N, 2000, Marchés fonciers et immobiliers à Beyrouth [Land and real estate markets in Beirut], Cahiers du Cermoc, Special issue, 2000, document n°6, 35 p. Online access
AVELINE N, 2000, Effects of Economic Globalization on Spatial Structure and Property Markets in the Paris Region, Comprehensive Urban Studies, Tokyo Metropolitan University Press, 62, 243-256. Online access
AVELINE-DUBACH, 2008, Immobilier, l’Asie, la bulle et la mondialisation, cnrseditions, Paris, 307 p.
AVELINE N, 2004, Géographie du Japon, Belin, coll. Mémentos, 186 p. Online access
AVELINE N, 2003, La ville et le rail au Japon, l’expansion des groupes ferroviaires privés à Tokyo et Osaka, cnrseditions, 238 p. Online access
AVELINE N, 1995, La bulle foncière au Japon, ADEF, Paris, 242 p. Online access
AVELINE N, RENARD V, 1990, Politiques Foncières Comparées : Pays Bas, ADEF, Paris, 62 p.
Edited volumes
AVELINE-DUBACH N (ed), 2023, Globalization and dynamics of urban production. Encyclopedy of Sciences, ISTE/John Wiley & Sons, London. Access
AVELINE-DUBACH N (ed), 2018, Pathways of sustainable development across China — the cases of Hangzhou, Datong and Zhuhai. E-book, Venise, Imago editor, 148 p. Online access
AVELINE-DUBACH N (ed), 2015, Vieillissement et déprise urbaine au Japon, les nouveaux défis de l’aménagement, Paris, La Documentation Française, collection GCET, 106 p.
AVELINE-DUBACH N, JOU S.C, HSIAO H.H. (eds), 2014, Globalization and new intra-urban dynamics in Asian cities, Presses de l’Université Nationale de Taiwan, Taipei, 459 p.
AVELINE-DUBACH (ed), 2012, Invisible Population – The Place of the Dead in East Asian Megacities, Lexington books, 223 p. Publié en français en 2013 sous le titre La place des morts dans les mégalopoles d’Asie orientale, Indes Savantes, 237 p.
AVELINE N, LI H-L (eds), 2004, Property Markets and Land Policies in Northeast Asia The Case of Five Cities : Tokyo, Seoul, Shanghai, Taipei and Hong Kong, Hongkong-Tokyo, Maison Franco-Japonaise / Center for Real Estate and Urban Economics, 308 p. Online access
Book chapters (since 2007)
CREVOISIER, O. and AVELINE-DUBACH N. (2023) « Towards the financialization of urbanity », in N. AVELINE-DUBACH N (ed), 2023, Globalization and dynamics of urban production. Encyclopedy of Sciences, ISTE/John Wiley & Sons, London, Hoboken, 215-242.
AVELINE-DUBACH N. (2023), « Land Value Capture and Its Large-Scale Application in Northeast Asia», in AVELINE-DUBACH N (ed), 2023, Globalization and dynamics of urban production. Encyclopedy of Sciences, ISTE/John Wiley & Sons, London, Hoboken, 127-154.
AVELINE-DUBACH N. (2023), « Introduction : the accumulation of capital in the urban fabric », in AVELINE-DUBACH N (ed), 2023, Globalization and dynamics of urban production. Encyclopedy of Sciences, ISTE/John Wiley & Sons, London, Hoboken.
AVELINE-DUBACH N. (2023), « Théorie de la Régulation et géographie : quels apports réciproques ? », in R. BOYER, J-P. CHANTEAU, A. LABROUSSE et T. LAMARCHE, La Théorie de la Régulation, un nouvel état des savoirs, Dunod, 250-256
AVELINE-DUBACH N. (2022), “Recontextualiser la question foncière dans un monde postindustriel”, in Taoufik SOUAMI, Marie LLORENTE, Martine DRODZ, (dir.), Financement de l’aménagement urbain, acteurs, innovation, Editions du Moniteur, 139-146, 2022, ISBN 978-2-281-13542-8.
AVELINE-DUBACH N. (2020), “The Financialization of Real Estate in Megacities and its Variegated Trajectories in East Asia”, In A. SORENSEN and D. LABBE (dir.), Handbook of Megacities and Megacity Regions, Edward Elgar, 394-409, ISBN: 978 1 78897 269 7. Online access
AVELINE-DUBACH N. (2020), “China’s Housing Booms: A Challenge to Bubble Theory”, in D. PUMAIN (dir.), Theories and Models of Urbanization, Lecture Notes in Morphogenesis. Springer, Cham, 183-208. DOI : 10.1007/978-3-030-36656-8_11 Online access
AVELINE-DUBACH N. LE CORRE T, DENIS E, NAPOLEONE C (2020), “Les futurs du foncier : modes d’accumulation du capital, droit de propriété et production de la ville”. In F. ADISSON, S. BARLES, N. BLANC, O. COUTARD, L. FROUILIOU, F. RASSAT (dir.), Pour la Recherche Urbaine, Paris : cnrseditions, p. 313-336. Online access
AVELINE-DUBACH N (2015), “Stratégies des groupes ferroviaires privés face au déclin urbain dans les agglomérations de Tokyo et Osaka”, in N. AVELINE-DUBACH (dir.), Vieillissement et déprise urbaine au Japon, les nouveaux défis de l’aménagement, La Documentation Française, collection CGET, Paris, 87-102.
AVELINE-DUBACH N (2015), “Vieillissement sous contrainte topographique dans le secteur des pentes de Nagasaki”, in N. AVELINE-DUBACH (dir.), Vieillissement et déprise urbaine au Japon, les nouveaux défis de l’aménagement, La Documentation Française, collection CGET, Paris, 53-62.
AVELINE-DUBACH N (2014), « New patterns of property investment in ‘post-bubble’ Tokyo : the shift from land to real estate as a financial asset », in N. AVELINE-DUBACH, S.C. JOU, and H.H. HSIAO (dir.,) Globalization and new intra-urban dynamics in Asian cities, National Taiwan University Press, Taipei, p.265-294. Online access
AVELINE-DUBACH N. (2014) ” Understanding globalization in urban Asia —moving from single to plural dimensions and scales”, in N. AVELINE-DUBACH, S.C. JOU, and H.H. HSIAO (dir.,) Globalization and new intra-urban dynamics in Asian cities, National Taiwan University Press, Taipei, p. 27-61.
AVELINE-DUBACH N. (2013), “Au prisme de la ville ‘privée’, retour sur les trajectoires urbaines de Tokyo et Hong Kong” in C. LEFEVRE, N. ROSEAU et T. VITALE (dir.) Gouverner la métropole, Editions de l’œil d’Or, Paris, 215-232.
AVELINE-DUBACH N. (2012), “Comparative perspectives of the funeral issues accross Northeast Asia”, in N. AVELINE-DUBACH (dir.), The Invisible Population — The Place of the Dead in East Asian Megacities, Lexington books, 206-219.
AVELINE-DUBACH N. (2012), “The revival of the Funeral Industry in Shanghai: a Model for China”, in N. AVELINE-DUBACH (dir.), The Invisible Population — The Place of the Dead in East Asian Megacities, Lexington books, 74-97. Online access
AVELINE-DUBACH N. (2012), “Creative destruction: the Shattering of the Family Grave System in Japan”, in N. AVELINE-DUBACH (dir.), The Invisible Population — The Place of the Dead in East Asian Megacities, Lexington books, 1-28. Online access
AVELINE-DUBACH N. (2010), “The Role of Industrial Estates in Thailand’s Industrialization, New Challenges for the Future”, in P. INATARAKUMNERD, Y. LECLER (dir.), Sustainability of Thailand’s Competitiveness: the Policy Challenges, Singapour, ISEAS, 174-208. Online access
AVELINE N. (2007), « Urbanisme et civilisation urbaine », in J.-M. BOUISSOU (dir.), Le Japon Contemporain , Fayard, 317-338 Online access
Translations (from Japanese to French)
MIYAO T, 1996, « Controverses autour des politiques foncières et des valeurs immobilières », in La Recherche sur la ville au Japon, actes des journées franco-japonaises du PIR-Villes, CNRS éditions, Paris, p.107-115.
TAKANO T, 1996, « Ville et santé publique », in La Recherche sur la ville au Japon, actes des journées franco-japonaises du PIR-Villes, CNRS éditions, Paris, p.75-84.
OBASE R, 1996, « Boom immobilier, réglementation foncière et transformation des quartiers », in La Recherche sur la ville au Japon, actes des journées franco-japonaises du PIR-Villes, CNRS éditions, Paris, p. 139-159.
ISHIDA Y., 1999, « Hausse des coefficients d’occupation des sols et environnement urbain », in Natacha Aveline (dir.), « Regards croisés sur les formes de la ville japonaise » (dossier thématique), in Daruma n°3, Picquier, Arles, p. 101-133.
HAGIHARA K., 1998, « Les relations entre l’Etat et les collectivités locales », in Natacha Aveline (dir.), « Regards croisés sur les formes de la ville japonaise » (dossier thématique), in Daruma n°3, Picquier, Arles, p.83-99.
SATO Y., 2012, « La problématique du vieillissement dans la ville nouvelle de Senboku », in Natacha Aveline-Dubach (2012), Les défis aménagistes face au vieillissement au Japon, rapport pour la DATAR, p.69-84.
TAKAMURA T, 2013, « Les espaces funéraires à Séoul, une histoire marquée par l’expérience coloniale, in N. Aveline-Dubach (dir.), La place des morts dans les mégalopoles d’Asie orientale, Editions des Indes Savantes, Paris, p. 177-201.
YAHAGI H, 2015, « Freiner le déclin agricole et l’exode rural dans la préfecture d’Akita », in N. Aveline-Dubach (dir.), Vieillissement et déprise urbaine au Japon, les nouveaux défis de l’aménagement, La Documentation Française, collection CGET, Paris, p. 23-33.
AVELINE-DUBACH N, AVRIST, IMAGO, 2019, L’innovation en Chine, décryptage des enjeux urbains, socio-économiques et technologiques [Innovation in China, urban, socioeconomic and technologic issues], MEDIUM conference June 2018. Accès en ligne .
AVELINE N, JIMENEZ J, 2000, Mourir à Tôkyô, film documentaire de 52 minutes en Betacam produit le Centre Multimedia de l’université Toulouse 2. Accès en ligne.
Ph.D. in progress
Mengcheng Li, “National parks as a growth tool for small Chinese cities? The case of Xianju in Zhejiang Province” [since 2016]
Congcong LI “Institutional aspects of land value capture in transport financing, the case of the Guangdong Province” [since 2017]
Fanny COTTET (in cosupervision with Juliette MAULAT), “Market logic and alternative real estate projects in, CIFRE funding [since 2018],
Clara JULLIEN (in cosupervision with Gwenn PULLIAT), “Urban integration of environmental displaced persons in the case of Vietnam” [since 2018]
Dilek KARABULUT (in cosupervision with Ozan KARAMAN) “The financialization of urban production in Turquey”, PAUSE funding [since 2021]
Inès DELEPINE(in cosupervision with Juliette MAULAT), “Property development of railway companies”, CIFRE funding [since 2022].
Defended Ph.D.
Pengli WANG, “Production Systems of Senior Housing in China, Contrasting Experiences of Zhengzhou and Hangzhou”, defended on December 14, 2023 at University Paris1-Panthéon Sorbonne.
Cinzia LOSAVIO” Public Policies and Urban Space: What Place for Chinese Migrant Workers in the Development of the Middle City? “, co-financed by Labex Dynamite and European project MEDIUM, defended on November 8 2022 at University Paris1-Panthéon Sorbonne.
Chunya Liu “Political Regimes, Economic Development and Urban Growth in Taiwan” (NSC Taiwan funding), defended on October 2 2020 at University Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne. Link to the thesis
Vincent Le Rouzic, ” The affordable city : recomposition of public action around innovative social home ownership schemes ” (CIFRE funding), thesis defended on 15 October 2019 at University Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne.
Sylvain Rémy (in cosupervision with Céline Vacchiani), “Urban industrial diversity economies for innovative entrepreneurship, the case of the United States”, thesis defended on November 30, 2018 at University Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne.Link to the thesis
Sophie Buhnik (cosupervised with Sylvie Fol), “Déclin urbain et mobilité dans l’aire métropolitaine d’Osaka” (funded by JSPS), thesis defended on 15 December 2015 at University Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne. Link to the thesis
01-04/2022: invited professor at University of Montreal , as part of the Japanese studies curriculum, Montreal. Undergraduate level. Teaching on “The urban question in Japan from historical and contemporary perspectives” (winter semester)
2015-2021: Course on Real estate economics and housing at the Master “Cycle d’urbanisme”, Institute of Political Studies, Paris.
2019-2021: Lecture on Land Policies at the Master of Urbanism of the University of Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne.
2010-2016: Lecture on the governance of Northeast Asian cities in the Master “Governing the Large Metropolis”, Institute of Political Studies, Paris.
2010-2011: Lecture on urban dynamics in Asian cities, Keio University, Tokyo. Undergraduate level.
2002-2006: Lecture on Asian economy and geography at the Master “Asian businesses”, Institute of Political Studies, Lyon.
2004-2006: Lecture on the theory of land economics in the Master’s degree “Métiers de la ville”, Lebanese University, Beirut .
2003-2004: Lecture in land economics theory in the DESS of urban planning at Alba University, Beirut.
1995-2000: Lecture in the Master “Aménagement du territoire option habitat”, University Toulouse le Mirail.
1994-1998: Translation of Japanese economic texts into French, DESS “LEA option japonais” , University of Toulouse le Mirail.
I have given 173 talks in seminars and conferences, including 101 abroad, and 40 as invited or keynote speaker. I have also (co)organized more than 40 scientific events.
Major presentations in the past 4 years
08/12/2023 “Fractured Residential Landscapes of Biosecurity -Dengue Prevention in Singapore from an Urban Political Ecology Perspective”, international workshop of the SPACE project “Preventing and controllinginfectious diseases in the built environment of city regions: France-Singapore cross-views”, Centre Panthéon, Université Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne.
03/10/2021 « Les villes métropolitaines à l’heure des villes mondiales », invited panelist, round table organized by the International Festival of Geography, Saint Dié-les-Vosges, France.
06/08/2019. “The financialisation of real estate in East Asian cities, Contrasting patterns across Japan, Hong Kong and Mainland China”, invited as keynote speaker, workshop of the Urban Commission of the International Geographic Union, Luxembourg.
Major events organized in the past 4 years
07-08/12/2023. International workshop of the SPACE project “Preventing and controllinginfectious diseases in the built environment of city regions: France-Singapore cross-views”, Centre Panthéon, Université Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne.
23-26/07/2021 : coordination of the workshop of the Urban Commission of the International Geographic Union in Paris (Université Paris Cité)
Editorial activities
Editorial management
- Co-director of the journal Cybergeo: European Journal of Geography. Supervision of metadata in three languages (French, English and Chinese).
- In charge of the topic “Socio-economic geography of urban production” in the Encyclopedy of Sciences under publication by ISTE(French) and WILEY (English). The 3 edited volumes are part of the “Geography and Demography” domain managed by Denise Pumain . Link to the encyclopedy
Paper reviews
- International journals: Urban Studies, Internatinonal Journal of Urban and Regional Research, Cambridge Journal of Economics, Cities, Geoforum, Land Use Policy, Regional Studies, Mortality
- National journal: Cybergeo, Revue de la Régulation, Revue d’Economie Régionale et Urbaine, Flux, l’Espace Géographique, Ecogéo, Gérontologie, China Perspectives, Ebisu
Expertise (selection)
Evaluation of research projects
Evaluation of 12 FP7 and H2020 proposals (European Commission) , 5 ANR proposals and 2 proposals for the Swiss National Found.
Evaluation of research units for HCERES
- Member of the evaluation commitee of UMIFRE CEMCA/IFEA (USR 3337, Mexico, online meeting) and Groupe de Recherche sur la Méditerranée et le Moyen-Orient (USR 3439) Lyon, January 2015.
- President of the evaluation commitee of UMIFRE Asie Orientale (USR 3331, Tokyo and Hong Kong, online meeting), January 2024.
Evaluation of of applications for CNRS national competitions
- As member of the Committee for new recruitment and carrier advancement of CNRS researchers (in two sections: “Space, Territory and Society” and “Research Management”, 2012-2016 term.
- As member of the Comittee for advancement of research assistants to the highest grade (in section “Social Sciences and Humanities”, 2021
- As president of the Comittee for advancement of research assistants to the highest grade (in section “Social Sciences and Humanities”, 2022
Participation in PhD and HDR jurys
21 juries, 6 as president, 11 as thesis pre-reviewer et 2 as thesis examinator. This includes 4 juries abroad (Hong Kong University, University Lausanne, University College London).
Participation in selection juries for (associate) professor positions
10 committees: 7 in geography and urban planning (universities Toulouse 2, Gustave Eiffel, Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, Lausanne, Hong Kong), 3 commitees in Japanese language and civilization, university Toulouse 2 and Université Paris Cité.
Other responsibilities
2018-2024 Member of the Scientific Council of the CNRS Institute for Social Sciences and Humanities.
2006-2010 Director of the CNRS regional office in North Asia, based in Tokyo and representing CNRS in Japan, Taiwan and South Korea.
Honors, Awards and Fellowships
07/2015 Designated among the 40 most prestigious alumnae of EHESS
06-09/2004 Japan Foundation fellowship, visiting scholar at the university Waseda,,Tokyo (3 months).
1999-2000 Canon Foundation fellowship, visiting scholar at the Department of Economy, Kyoto University (12 months).
04/ 1995 Shibusawa-Claudel Prize for the book “The land bubble in Japan”
1991-1993 Japon Lavoisier fellowship, visiting scholar at the Tokyo Metropolitan University (18 months)
07/2015 Designated among the 40 most prestigious alumnae of EHESS
06-09/2004 Japan Foundation fellowship, visiting scholar at the university Waseda,,Tokyo (3 months).
1999-2000 Canon Foundation fellowship, visiting scholar at the Department of Economy, Kyoto University (12 months).
04/ 1995 Shibusawa-Claudel Prize for the book “The land bubble in Japan”
1991-1993 Japon Lavoisier fellowship, visiting scholar at the Tokyo Metropolitan University (18 months)