Phd Candidate
Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne
calixte.noemie ( at )
Research theme
Géographie-cités • Campus Condorcet
5 cours des Humanités
93322 Aubervilliers cedex (France)
While the issue of intimate partner violence (IPV) is increasingly present in the public debate, the daily experiences of those who live with it are still poorly understood. This PhD project seeks to examine the phenomenon of IPV from a spatial point of view, by questioning the mobility of the women who experience it, as well as the spatial strategies put in place by the perpetrators to assert their control, and by the victims to avoid it. Rather than a static conception of violence, limited to the home, it is the spatial networks, produced and reproduced by these power relationships, that are at the heart of this research. I thus aim to examine the strategies of control, but also the strategies of escape that seem to be deployed in a combination of proximity and connectedness. The deployment of digital technologies, among others, invites us to go beyond a solely physical understanding of distance. By combining analyses of written conversations between women and support professionals, group interviews and individual interviews, this project aims to identify mobilities, but also to study the practices and representations of the different places, as well as the emotions associated with them, which contribute to their appropriation. The cross approach between Paris and Berlin will allow us to work on this violence in different contexts, thus allowing us to compare the phenomenon of violence with the habits and possibilities of mobility, but also with the public policies and NGOs in place.
Since 2021 PhD Candidate – Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, “Mobilities, spatial strategies and power dynamics in heterosexual intimate partner violence (Paris/Berlin)” (working title), direction : Nadine CATTAN, Camille SCHMOLL
2021 Master Géoprisme – Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne
2018 Bachelor in Geography – Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne
2018 Bachelor in Philosophy – Université Montpellier 3 – Paul Valéry
Professional positions
2021 Communications officer with the Union Régionale Solidarité Femmes Ile-de-France (Ile-de-France coordination of associations providing assistance and support to women victims of domestic violence).
April – June 2020 Project officer at the Union Régionale Solidarité Femmes Ile-de-France. House manager of the Marie Curie project, an emergency housing project for women living domestic violence, set up as an emergency measure during the first lockdown due to the Covid-19 pandemic.
2018-2019 Communications and digital mediation officer for the En Avant Toute(s) charity. Creation of the architecture and content of the and websites.
2023-2024 : Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne
- Geographic Information Systems, 5th Semester, (38h/49,5h)
2022-2023 : Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne
- Statistics, 3rd. Semester (2 x 26h)
- Sociétés et activités locales (French Geography on a municipal scale), 2nd Semester (24h)
2021-2022 : Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne
- Sociétés et activités locales (French Geography on a municipal scale), 2nd Semester (2x24h)
- Cultural and economic areas, 4th Semester (24h)
Oral communications
Papers presented at international symposiums
CALIXTE Noémie G., 2023, “Sortir les violences conjugales des espaces domestiques : une analyse à l’échelle du vécu des femmes victimes”, 3eme Congrès international de l’Institut du genre, Université Toulouse Jean Jaurès, July 7th
CALIXTE Noémie, 2022, “D’une perception statique à un vécu mobile du quotidien des femmes vivant des violences dans les couples hétérosexuels”, UGI-IGU, July 22th, 2022, Paris – infos en ligne
Papers presented at national conferences and seminars
CALIXTE Noémie, 2023, “Die Grenzen der Gewalt (workshop)”, Vernetzungstreffen Feministische Geographien, AK Feminitische Geographien, Universität Heidelberg, Mai 19th
CALIXTE Noémie, 2023, “Sortir les violences conjugales des espaces domestiques”, Rencontre des Doctorant.e.s des UMR Géographie-Cités et PRODIG, Campus Condorcet, April 3rd.
CALIXTE Noémie, MARGUERIT, Manon et TILLOUS, Marion, 2022, “Travailler sur les violences de genre en géographie (atelier)” Rencontres des géographes féministes CNFG, Limoges, April 1st.