
Sylvain REMY

Research Fellow

Géographie-cités UMR 8504



Research themes
Entrepreneurship; Innovation; Economics of Cities; Business Ecosystems

Géographie-cités • Campus Condorcet
5 cours des Humanités
93322 Aubervilliers cedex (France)


2019 PhD in Geography, Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne , “Diversified Metropolitan Areas and Innovative Entrepreneurship in the United States

1993 MSc in Management, ESSEC Business School

Employment History

2019-2021 Research Fellow, Lee Kuan Yew Centre for Innovative Cities, Singapore University of Technology and Design

2017-2018 Research Fellow, Chair of Networked Business Models, ESSEC Business School, Singapore

2014-2017 Director, Institute for Sustainable Development and Smart Cities, ESSEC Business School, Singapore

2009-2012 Commercial Attaché and Deputy Commercial Counsellor, Trade Commission of the French Embassy, Seoul, Korea

2006-2009 Economic & Legal Attaché, Trade Commission of the French Embassy, Seoul, Korea

1996-2006 Managing Consultant in Business Process & Information Systems


Journal article

REMY, S., & MOON, H.-C., 2015, “The K-Strategy: strategic social capital for urban competitiveness“, Asian Geographer, 32(1), 1–18

Book Chapter

Remy, S. P., Kolokotsa, J., Ondrus, J., El Ouarzazi, Y., & Glady, N. (2021). Purposeful Ecosystem Orchestration. In C. P. Mayer & B. Roche (Eds.), Putting Purpose into Practice: The Economics of Mutuality. Oxford University Press.


REMY, S., 2019, “Does industrial diversity promote innovative entrepreneurship? A study of United States metropolitan areas”, International Geography Union Urban Commission Annual Meeting, August 5, University of Luxembourg

REMY, S., 2019, “Growth-Oriented Entrepreneurship in Cities“, November 27, Singapore University of Technology and Design


2015-2017: ESSEC Business School

  • Master of Science in Management (flagship program). 2 cohorts. “Sustainable Development in Asia.” 25 hours. Course design & delivery.
  • Specialized Master in Urban & Real-Estate Management. 2 cohorts. “Smart Cities in Asia.” 12.5 hours. Course design & delivery.
  • Danone NewGEN Leader executive education program. 1 cohort. “Socially Responsible Value Creation.” 3 hours. Class design & delivery.
  • Executive Master in Real-Estate Management. 3 cohorts. “Asian Cities.” 3 hours. Class design & delivery.

2021: Singapore University of Technology and Design

  • Master of Urban Science and Public Policy. 1 cohort. “Research Studio.” 39 hours. Course design & delivery.


Master of Science. Valentine Lebrun. “Female Entrepreneurship in Jakarta’s Kampongs: Opportunities and Limitations”. 2014.

Master of Science. Antoine Barrandon. “How does China’s foreign policy support its uranium supply? The cases of Africa and Australia”. 2015.

Executive Master. Yasser Boulaares. “Smart Cities Strategy & Upscaling: How can LP-Wan Meet Scalability?”. 2017.

Master. Mao Jingyu. “Cross-Border E-commerce Development under the Belt and Road Initiative”. 2020.

Scientific activities

Project coordination

2016-2017, Valuation of Urban Ecosystem Services, Design and prototyping of a tool for evaluating ecosystem services in the context of Singapore, PI: REMY, S., funded by EDF

Administrative responsibilities

2014 then 2016 Program co-Director jointly with Nanyang Technological University (NTU), Singapore-France Joint Seminar series: 1-week customized executive seminars, funded by the Singapore Cooperation Program (SCP) & the French Foreign Development Aid Agency (AFD)

2015-2016 Program Director, Sustainable Innovation Seminar series: one-day customized executive workshops, funded by Veolia

2015 Program Director, Asian Strategy Project series: 3-month full-time ‘externship’ program for the Master of Science in Management (flagship program)

2015-2016 Program Director, Asian Strategy Workshop/Challenge series: 6-month part-time ‘externship’ program for the Specialized Master in International Business (SMIB) & the Advanced Master in International Food Industry Management (IFIM)

2015-2017 Principal Investigator, Exploratory study of modelling urban ecosystem services in Singapore, funded by EDF Lab