Dates: 1st February 2018 – 31st December 2021 (Prolongation)
Intralaboratory Program Leader: Edwige Dubos-Paillard
Laboratory members involved in the program: Ludovic Chalonge, Sébastien Haule
Team involved: PARIS
Extralaboratory Program leader: Damienne Provitolo, coordinatrice (Directrice de recherche CNRS, CNRS UMR 7329 – Université Côte d’Azur – IRD UR 082 Géoazur, équipe Risques (Laboratoire porteur))
Funding: Agence nationale de la recherche (ANR), Direction générale de l’armement (DGA), Secrétariat général de la défense et de la sécurité nationale (SGDSN)
Transversal subjects concerned: Mobilities and territories: towards a relational approach to space; Stabilities and fluidity of geographical objects; Urban fabrics: processes, actors, practices; Data and protocols in the digital humanities
Description : The Com2SiCa research program (Understanding and Simulation of Human Behaviors in areas affected by disasters: from analysis to policy making) aims to improve understanding and the ability to anticipate individual and collective human be-havior in face of complex threats and disasters of all origins, breaking down traditional disciplinary approaches.
One of the main challenges in the field of safety and protection of populations is to progress in understanding and the capacity to anticipate individual and collective human behavior in face of threats and complex disasters of all origins. The ability to anticipate human reactions is crucial in the management of emergency responses. The Com2SiCa research program (Understanding and Simulation of Human Behaviors in areas affected by disasters: from analysis to policy making) aims to contribute to enhancing the resilience of society to cope with sudden and major catastrophic events. It should feed the priority 1 – Understanding disaster risk- and priority 3- Investing in disaster risk reduction for resilience – of the Sendai Framework.
The program has three complementary and fundamental components:
- Production and analysis of empirical data enabling the identification, description and classification of human behavior, regardless of the origin of the event;
- mathematical modeling of the spatio-temporal dynamics of behavior on the basis of experiments, empirical and statistical studies carried out;
- construction of a cartographic web platform to simulate human reactions. This platform is aimed at the scientific community, professionals in charge of the safety and security and citizens for training and improving the culture of risk.
The Com2SiCa research program brings together geographers, geophysicists, geomaticians, mathematicians, computer scientists, psychologists working in research units located in France (UMR Géoazur, UMR ESPACE, UMR Géographie-Cités, LMAH & LPPL. This consortium gathers experts in the study of behavior, in survey methods (observation and experimentation), of conceptual modeling, mathematics and computer programming. To complete this research program, collaboration with decision makers and practioners in charge of the safety and the security of citizens has been undertaken on several components of this research program.
Com2SiCa research program has been labelled by the Safe Cluster.