
Géographie-cités is organized into three teams—CRIA, TERMS, and PARIS—and three working groups. The teams develop both their own research and common themes. Scientific exchanges between the three teams are structured around five cross-disciplinary axes designed to encourage interaction and knowledge sharing between researchers, at the scale of a very large, multi-site, multi-tutelle joint research unit (UMR). The three working groups address the specific needs of the scientific project and the day-to-day functioning of the UMR. 



CRIA Team projects focus on transformations in urban production, management, and materiality within a context of changing urban planning and development actors, political and economic transformations and environmental changes. They are conducted in a variety of cultural areas: Europe, North America, and Northeast Asia.


Text soon available.


The PARIS team analyses territorial dynamics by considering that spatial and social interactions play dynamic roles at varied time and space scales. New data collected from fields of study on different continents and on the practices and representations of actors, are now being mobilized. Research is based on a diversified set of methods.

Transversal Team Collaboration

Mobilities and Territories: Towards a Relational Approach to Space


Subjectivités et réflexivité dans la pratique de la recherche


The making of cities: Processes, Actors, Practices

At the crossroads of geography and urban planning, this transversality explores the processes of production, transformation, and appropriation of urban spaces by a simultaneous examination of collective action and the spatial practices of city dwellers.

Data and Protocols in the Digital Humanities

The DPHN transversality aims to federate research that mobilizes emerging, heterogeneous, or massive data to measure socio-spatial dynamics, to cross-reference and compare them with other sources, to model, visualize, or critically analyze their uses.

Fieldwork and Research
Doctoral Workshop

Conceived as a time for doctoral students to get together under the supervision of laboratory researchers, this workshop aims to break the isolation inherent in thesis work, an isolation which often hinders the smooth progress of research.

Work groups

Stop Harassment

Are you a target or witness of harassment? A unit is available to provide you with support, information and institutional support.

Digital archives

la collection d’archives ouvertes de l’UMR Géographie-cités donne accès à près de 2000 textes intégraux et plus de 1400 références dont le recensement exhaustif de toute sa production depuis 2017.

Digital communication

Le GT Communication numérique a pour mission de développer la présence de l’UMR sur les médias numériques.


Ce groupe de travail est rassemblé autour de deux préoccupations : le relai entre jeunes chercheur.e.s et anciens doctorant.e.s de l’UMR et la production audiovisuelle.