The ANR-Action Liban project “The territorial dimension of health crisis (DITES) has produced its mid-term report, including the first major results from statistical analysis of major databases such as META data for Good and Covid rates at the level of 2000 localities in Lebanon, as well as interviews in the three research fields, with resident and transient populations.
On the initiative of Nadine Cattan, Director of Research at CNRS and head of the program at UMR Géographie-cités, an international seminar bringing together researchers from CNRS, French universities, and Lebanese universities is being organized in Beirut on October 10, 11, and 2023, to present these results.
Several members of Géographie-cités will be present: Eric Denis, Antoine Fleury, Martine Laborde, Olivier Telle, Céline Vacchiani-Marcuzzo, Jean-Baptiste Fretigny.
Venue: CNRS Lebanon and Smallville Hotel, Beirut
The territorial dimension of health crisis
DITES studies mobility and territorial cooperation to rethink governance modes in times of crises. The aim is to improve territorial responsiveness by bringing decision-making closer to the people concerned. This novel relational spatial approach is based on the hypothesis that the risk factors associated with a crisis depend less on the local context than on the intensity of links between territories. This project focuses on three areas of research.
1. Mobility and Risk: Which Territorial Systems
2. Public policies and players: What are the local mobilities?
3. Everyday players and informal networks: What connections do you have?