Cross-checking different sources of mobility information. Maxime Lenormand et Thomas Louail.

Dates: 2016 – …

Intralaboratory Program Leaders: Hadrien Commenges, Julie Vallée

Laboratory members involved in the program: Marion Maisonnobe, Romain Reuillon

Team involved: PARIS

Partner Organisations: Réseau National des Systèmes Complexes, LabEx DynamiTe

Funding: Réseau National des Systèmes Complexes, LabEx DynamiTe

Transversal subjects concerned: Mobilities and territories: towards a relational approach to space; Urban fabrics: processes, actors, practices; Data and protocols in the digital humanities

Description: Interdisciplinary and international team of researchers created by Thomas Louail in 2015 and founded by the RNSC (national network for complex systems) and the LabEx DynamiTe. The team aims to address quantitative geography issues and theories with massive observational and simulated data.