Schéma des principales hypothèses
Dates: 2016 – 2021
Intralaboratory Program Leader: Julie Vallée
Laboratory member involved in the program: Giovanna Fancello
Team involved: PARIS
Partner Organisations: Institut Pluridisciplinaire Hubert Curien ; Institut Pierre Louis de Santé Publique ; École de Santé publique de l’Université de Montréal ; Luxembourg Institute of Socio-Economic Research- LISER
Extralaboratory Program leaders: Cédric Sueur, Basile Chaix, Yan Kestens, Philippe Gerber
Funding: ANR
Transversal subjects concerned: Mobilities and territories: towards a relational approach to space; Data and protocols in the digital humanities
Description: The HANC project aims to examine well-being and health status of older adults in relation to urban environments, mobility behaviours and social network.
The way people are connected to each other and the way our cities are built have both been shown to influence healthy aging. Yet, we do not understand exactly how built environments, daily mobility, and social interactions either favour or hinder healthy aging. But novel wearable sensor devices including Global Positioning System receivers or accelerometers make it possible to gather precise information on people’s daily mobility and physical activity. Combining such data with detailed questionnaires documenting social networks opens new ways to better understand the environmental determinants of healthy aging. From statistical methods and graph theory, the HANC project aims to identify which features of the built environment and what characteristics of social network influence healthy aging, active mobility and well-being. This project will help provide tangible recommendations to improve urban planning and public health strategies.