Abstract. Hour-by-hour variations in spatial distribution of gender, age and social class within cities remain poorly explored and combined in the segregation literature mainly centred on home places from a single social dimension. Taking advantage of 49 mobility surveys compiled together (385,000 respondents and 1,711,000 trips) and covering 60% of France’s population, we consider variations in hourly populations of 2572 districts after disaggregating population across gender, age and education level. We first isolate five district hourly profiles (two ‘daytime attractive’, two ‘nighttime attractive’ and one more ‘stable’) with very unequal distributions according to urban gradient but also to social groups.
We then explore the intersectional forms of these everyday geographies. Taking as reference the dominant groups (men, middle-age and high educated people) known as concentrating hegemonic power and capital, we analyze specifically whether district hourly profiles of dominant groups diverge from those of the others groups. It is especially in the areas exhibiting strong increase or strong decrease of ambient population during the day that district hourly profiles not only combine the largest dissimilarities all together across gender, age and education level but are also widely more synchronous between dominant groups than between non-dominant groups (women, elderly and low-educated people). These intersectional patterns shed new light on areas where peers are synchronously located over the 24-hour period and thus potentially in better position to interact and to defend their common interests.
Data and materials. All data, code, and materials are available in open access. Initial datasets with hourly populations estimations of the 2,572 French districts come from Mobiliscope, an open interactive geovizualisation platform to explore cities around the clock. Derived from version v4.1 of Mobiliscope, initial datasets are also stored under ODbL license in an open-access repository. Procedures are made available in a public gitlab repository under License GPLv3. Findings can be fully explored in a open dedicated cartographic platform.
Julie Vallée & Maxime Lenormand (2023). Intersectional approach of everyday geography. Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science. 10.1177/23998083231174025. Preprint HAL & ArXiv