
Anne-Cécile Ott

Anne-Cécile OTT

Ph.D. Graduate

Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne

Research Lab

UMR 8504 Géographie-cités

Research Team

annececileott ( at )

Research topics

  • Children’s geographies
  • Social and cultural geographies
  • Representations and practices of global space
  • Geography of education
  • Critical geography
  • Reasearch method

Géographie-cités • Campus Condorcet
5 cours des Humanités 93322 Aubervilliers cedex

Anne-Cécile Ott is a doctor in geography. Her research mainly explores children’s socialisation to practices and representations of space. She is currently a postdoctoral research fellow at the Center for Research on Social Inequalities at SciencesPo Paris/CNRS, working with Philippe Coulangeon and Thomas Louail on cultural practices and more specifically on family socialisation to music listening.

At the intersection of social and cultural geography and sociology of childhood, her thesis investigates the social genesis of the representations of the world produced by children. It is based on a field survey led in four Parisian elementary schools with contrasting social profiles, with 248 children from different age groups. A multi-methodological protocol was developed around four activities: drawing, a whole-class brainstorming session, a task test (the children were invited to create an illustrated planisphere) and small group interviews. It shows that the world is represented by children with a diversity of meanings and scales, from local to global. These representations reveal that they produce (geo)political discourses by interlinking and hierarchising spaces, but also through the questioning of global issues. Children’s ways of making worlds are influenced by the educational institution, which explains convergent effects. However, at equal age, distinctions can be observed based on socialisation within the family, through the media, and peer exchange.  Representations of the world thus function as a laboratory for observing socialisation in the making: the socialisation of children to and through the world creates and reinforces the domination-based relationships that structure the social world.


2022 PhD in Geography, University Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne
Title: “Coming into the world: sociogenesis of children’s manners of representing the global space.”
Supervision: Clarisse Didelon-Loiseau (University Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, Geography)

2013-2016 Student Fellow, Ecole Normale Supérieure de Paris

2015 MA in Geography and Social Sciences, University Paris-Est, with high honors


From 2023 onwards Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Sciences Po, CRIS – Center for Research on Social Inequalities, CNRS, Paris

2021-2022 Lecturer, Department of Geography, University of Artois

2020-2021 Lecturer, Department of Geography, University Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne

2016-2019 Teaching Assistant, Department of Geography, University Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne

Teaching and advising

Courses taught

During my previous appointments at the University of Artois and at the University of Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, I have taught a total of 483 hours on the following topics:
Geography of globalization, Area Studies, Cultural and Economical geography, Geography of identities, Urban geography, Border studies, General Culture in Social Sciences, Statistics and Cartography, and qualitative research methods.

MA supervision

MORO Manon, 2021, “Les espaces publics aux abords des écoles au prisme des sociabilités parentales“/“Public spaces around school in the light of parental sociability“, University Paris 1, co-supervized with Antoine Fleury (CNRS)

Scientific responsabilities

Organisation of scientific events

2021-2023 Organiser of an annual seminar, on “World tours and Mobilty practices“, with Nadine Cattan, Clarisse Didelon-Loiseau and Brenda Le Bigot, LabEx Dynamite, Paris

2018 Organiser of the Annual Seminar of Geography for Early Scholars, about hierarchies in social sciences, Geography Institute, Paris

2017 Organiser of the Annual Seminar of Geography for Early Scholars , about fielwork in social sciences,  Geography Institute, Paris


Belgeo – Mappemonde – Cybergeo

Collective responsabilities

2016-2020 Elected Representative of graduate students, Doctoral School of Geography, Paris

2016-2019 Organiser of the monthly graduate seminar, UMR Géographie-cités (University Paris 1 Panthéon –Sorbonne, University of Paris, CNRS)

2015-2016 Student Representative, Department of Geography, Ecole Normale Supérieure de Paris

2015-2016 General secretary of the Association of Geographers, Ecole Normale Supérieure de Paris


Journal articles

OTT Anne-Cécile (2022), “’Draw me the World’: tracing the sociogenesis of children’s representations of the world through drawing“, 60 -2, special issue “The social dimension of cognitive cartography“, Regards sociologiques, coordinated by Thierry Ramadier – Link

OTT Anne-Cécile (2020), “L’organisation de l’espace mondial chez les enfants : les contours d’une “géopolitique“ enfantine“, L’Espace politique, special issue “Pensées émergentes en géographie politique et géopolitique“/“The organisation of the global space in children’s spatial representations: tracing the outlines of children’s “geopolitics”“, coordinated by Amaël Cattaruzza, Sophie Hou and Kévin Limonier – Link

OTT Anne-Cécile (2020), “Explorer le monde des enfants. Défis théoriques et méthodologiques de l’analyse des représentations enfantines du monde“/“Exploring Children’s World. Theoretical and Methodological Challenges in Analysing Children’s Representations of the World.“, Bulletin de Méthodologie Sociologique, vol. 146, 1, special issue “From the point of view of children/Du point de vue des enfants“, coordinated by Julie Pagis et Alice Simon, pp.56-80 – Link

OTT Anne-Cécile, DIDELON-LOISEAU Clarisse (2020), “Trente ans d’images du Monde“/“Thirty years of world images“, Mappemonde, n°127 – Link

OTT Anne-Cécile (2017), “Des échelles pensées pour les enfants aux représentations spatiales produites par les enfants : les enjeux politiques des imaginaires géographiques enfantins“/“From scales designed for children to spatial representations produced by children: the political stakes of children’s geographical imaginaries“, Belgeo, 2-3, special issue “Une géographie sociale de l’enseignement“ – Link

Conference proceedings

OTT Anne-Cécile (2018), “Les représentations du Monde dans les fictions pour enfants : la transmission d’une hiérarchisation des espaces et des sociétés ?”/”Representations of the World in children’s fiction: the transmission of a hierarchy of spaces and societies?”,Représenter les territoires/Representing territories, International Conference of the Collège International des Sciences du Territoire, CIST – Link

Talks and presentations

International talks

OTT Anne-Cécile (2022),“The World of Tomorrow: children’s views and educational issues”, IGU (International Geographical Union) – The Centennial Congress, Paris, July 19th 2022

DIDELON-LOISEAU Clarisse, OTT Anne-Cécile (2022),”This semester, the world is our field doing an around the world fieldwork, a geography teacher’s fantasy”, IGU (International Geographical Union) – The Centennial Congress, Paris, July 19th 2022

OTT Anne-Cécile (2022),”The World After: the influence of imagined futures on children’s representations of global space”, IGU (International Geographical Union) – The Centennial Congress, Paris, July 19th 2022

OTT Anne-Cécile (2021), “‘Draw me the World’: tracing the sociogenesis of children’s representations of the world through drawing“, 4th Congress of ‘Cartotête’, session: “The social dimension of cognitive cartography“, Genoa, Italy

OTT Anne-Cécile (2018), “Les représentations du Monde dans les fictions pour enfants : la transmission d’une hiérarchisation des espaces et des sociétés ?“/“Representations of the World in children’s fiction: the transmission of a hierarchy of spaces and societies? “, Colloque du CIST, Rouen

OTT Anne-Cécile (2018), “Intérêts du dessin commenté pour étudier les représentations enfantines du monde et leur différenciation“/“The interest of supervised and commented drawing to study children’s representation and the world and their differenciation“, CIRFF 2018, Colloque Genre et Espace, entre théorie et pratique, Paris

OTT Anne-Cécile (2017), “The instrumental use of Nature in the representations of the world produced for young people: decolonising geographical knowledge for children“, session “Educational landscapes: nature, place and moral geographies“, RGS-IBG, London

OTT Anne-Cécile (2016), “Young children representing the World and Europe: the usefulness of small scales in/for children’s“, session “Geographies of young children“, RGS-IBG, London

National talks

OTT Anne-Cécile (2019), “L’organisation de l’espace mondial chez les enfants: les contours d’une « géopolitique » enfantine“/ “The organisation of the global space in children’s spatial representations: tracing the outlines of children’s “geopolitics”“, CNFG, session “Emerging thoughts in political geography and geopolitics“, Paris

OTT Anne-Cécile (2017), “Les représentations spatiales comme révélateur du sens politique et social des enfants – L’exemple des visions enfantines du Monde et de l’Europe“/“Spatial representations as an indicator of children’s political and social sense – The example of children’s views of the world and Europe“, French Association of Political Science Conference, session “Children’s representations of politics“, Montpellier

OTT Anne-Cécile (2017), “Comment enseigner à l’université ? Des conseils pour les jeunes enseignants chercheurs“/“How to teach at university? Tips for early career teachers“, Doctoral workshop, UMR Géographie-cités, Paris [Invited talk]

OTT Anne-Cécile (2016), “Les représentations spatiales produites pour et par les enfants“/“Spatial representations produced for and by children“, talk for the Departement of Education, University Paris-Est, Marne-la-Vallée [Invited talk]

Invitations to France Culture

OTT Anne-Cécile (2022), “Géographies enfantines : le monde vu par les plus jeunes“, Géographie à la carte, France Culture, Radio Program, January 27, [Podcast]

OTT Anne-Cécile (2021), “Du CP au CM2 : se représenter l’ordre international“, Cultures Monde, France Culture, Radio Program, December 21, [Podcast]

Awards and Honors

2016 Doctoral Fellowship, French Minister of Higher Education (€ 65, 000)

2017 Selected Attendee, ESRC Advanced Methods Training Workshop: « Researching with children and young people in diverse spatial contexts », ESRC Fellowhip