
Antoine GOSNET

PhD student

School of Advanced Studies in the Social Sciences (EHESS)

Epistemology and History of the GeOgraphy (EHGO) / Research Center on Networks, Industry and Urban Planning (CRIA)


• Provisional title of the thesis : “Housing policies within the districts of Station districts of the Grand Paris Express, institutional changes and local strategies in housing production“, under the co-direction of Marie-Vic Ozouf-Marignier and Beatriz Fernández.

• Housing policy(ies), Rescaling of the State Spatial Strategies, Housing Finance, Territorialization of public policies, Station districts of the Grand Paris Express


Laboratoire Géographie-Cités – Campus Condorcet Bâtiment Recherche Sud 5 cours des Humanités 93322 Aubervilliers cedex

fillette entre deux immeubles s'embrassant


2020 – 2023 Doctoral Degree Territories Migrations Developement – EHESS / Géographie-Cités [+8 years]

2017 – 2019 Master Degree Territories Spaces Societies – EHESS [+5 years]

2016 – 2017 Bachelor Degree Information-Communication – Paris VIII University [+3 years]

2014 – 2016 Advanced Technician Certificate – Sophie Germain High School [+2 years]


Scientific papers

• Gosnet A., Fernández B. and Ozouf-Marignier M.-V., 2022, “Between Metropolization and Local Development: the Construction of the Condorcet Campus in the Plaine Saint-Denis“, Urbanités, #16 / À l’école de la ville, online

Fernández B., Gosnet A. and Ozouf-Marignier M.-V., 2020, “The Challenges of the Condorcet Campus“, Métropolitiques, online : (halshs-03426479)

Scientific communications

International conferences

• Gosnet, 2024, « Rescaling(s) of the state(s) in housing production: intra-state conflicts in the development of the Grand Paris Express station districts », AESOP Annual Congress, Session « Contentious Governance », July 9th, 2024, SciencesPo Paris, Paris (halshs–04642974)

• Gosnet, 2023, “Do as I say not as I do : contradictory national housing production strategies and development of affordable housing in the Grand Paris Express station areas”, RGS-IBG Annual International Conference, Session “Affordable’ Housing Production, Finance and the State”, August 31, 2023, Royal Geographical Society, London (halshs-04199564)

• Gosnet, 2022, “Housing Production and Grand Paris Express Stations. Processes of Territorialization around Railway Station Infrastructures”, IGU annual conference, Special Session The Role of Railway Stations in Urban Transitions Energy, Nature, Communities: Solidarity And Circularity, July 20, 2022, Pantheon Sorbonne University, Paris (hal-03740225)

National conferences

• Gosnet, 2022, “Measuring the dynamics of fiscal polarization in Île-de-France through an equalization mechanism: the case of the FSRIF (2014-2021)”, ASRDLF 58th conference – Special session Local finances and territorial solidarities, July 1st, 2022, IEP de Rennes, Rennes (hal-03740250)

National workshops

• Gosnet, 2019, “The Condorcet campus, scientific and urban contexts of a metropolitan object”, The territorial anchorage of the Condorcet campus Workshop, Workshop of EHESS | Géographie-Cités, October 23, 2019, Conferences Center, campus Condorcet, Aubervilliers

Invited talks

• Gosnet, 2024, “Residential trajectories and metropolitan mobility infrastructures: restructuring the State and the structuring effects of the Grand Paris Express in the districts it serves”, Webinar of the community of interest on constrained mobility organised by FFJ-EHESS and Moovin’On, May 13, 2024, Online

• Gosnet, 2024, “Housing policies in the districts served by the Grand Paris Express, institutional changes and local strategies in housing production”, CRIA-PARIS-EHGO inter-team seminar on institutional developments and urban planning-transport relations, General Meeting of the UMR Géographie-cités, April 5, 2024, Conference room at the biological station, Roscoff

• Gosnet, 2022, “Station districts of the Grand Paris Express and the Aimé Césaire station on the Saint-Denis Canal”, Study day “Through the canals… thinking the contemporary city? The Saint-Denis Canal and other waterfronts in the face of urban mutations, November 9, 2022, Maison des Sciences de l’Homme Paris Nord, Saint-Denis

• Gosnet, 2022, “Fiscal and land strategies of territorial authorities served by the Grand Paris Express. Processes of territorialization of a metropolitan infrastructure in the local fabric of housing policies”, Doctoral student days of team EHGO, January 28, 2022, Station d’écologie forestière, Fontainebleau

• Gosnet, 2021, “Public-private productions of the city, strategic stakes of the recourse to private actors in the development of the territory. Typology of contractualizations and territorial strategies”, Séminaire Territoire et action publique territoriale, December 16, 2021, School of Advanced Studies in the Social Sciences (EHESS), Aubervilliers

• Gosnet, 2021, “University facilities and local integration, the case of the Condorcet campus”, Table ronde des Rendez-vous Condorcet – 2020-2021 – #8 : Mémoires d’objets, autour des restitutions – Vers un référentiel architectural pour une “muséobanque” ? Du territoire à l’objet, November 4, 2021, Conferences Center, campus Condorcet, Aubervilliers

• Gosnet, 2021, “Station districts of the Grand Paris Express and housing policy productions, theoretical and methodological frameworks”, Séminaire de l’équipe EHGO de l’UMR Géographie-cités, March 26, 2021, Aubervilliers

• Gosnet, 2021, “The local anchoring of a university facility in Aubervilliers”, Séminaire d’enquête collective : interroger l’ancrage local du campus Condorcet, March 18 2021, Conferences Center, campus Condorcet, Aubervilliers


• Gosnet, 2019 “Urban walk around the Condorcet campus”, as part of the séminaire d’enquête collective : interroger l’ancrage local du campus Condorcet, Aubervilliers and Saint-Denis

• Gosnet, 2019 “Urban walk around the Rive Gauche ZAC and the Cour Saint-Émilion park” autour de la ZAC Rive Gauche et du parc Cour Saint-Émilion”, as part of the ANR City N-KOR program, Paris

Scientific poster

• Gosnet, 2019 with Azevedo Mariana, Combier Emma, Montaner Marina, Pirone Tommaso, “Campus Condorcet and urban dévelopment”, as part of the séminaire d’enquête collective : interroger l’ancrage local du campus Condorcet, Paris, School of Advanced Studies in the Social Sciences (EHESS), Aubervilliers

Teachings provided

2023-2024 :

University of Paris Nanterre – Lecturer in Geography :

Societies and Territories (3 x 24 hours)

Urban Geography (24 hours)

Cartography and Statistics (24 hours)

Geography of France (3 x 24 hours)

2022-2023 :

University of Paris I Panthéon Sorbonne – Teaching fellow :

Statistics L2 Geography (52 hours)

École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales – Teaching fellow

Seminar Metropolises and capital cities: local trajectories in a global world “Neighborhoods served by the Grand Paris Express and housing policies. Institutional recompositions of the modes of administration and production of housing: a multi-methodological survey method”  Master / PhD (2 hours)

Seminar Building a Research in Territories, Spaces and Societies, “Talking with the State” Master / PhD (2 hours)

•  Collective survey on the Parisian metropolis: Master / PhD (24 hours)

2021-2022 :

École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales – Doctoral Teaching Fellow

•  Housing and housing policies Master / PhD (64 heures)

This unique seminar proposes to approach the contexts of housing policy-making both through scientific debates and the texts that underlie them, and through the manipulation of regulatory urban planning tools and documents that allow, through their technical mobilizations, for a more in-depth study of the political, economic, and socio-spatial dynamics of a territory.

The themes of the sessions will allow participants to address the diversity of issues and questions that housing crystallizes. Whether it is in its spatial meaning and the redefinition of the relationships between centers, poles, peripheries and relegation areas that it questions, in its economic scope, with the study of the financing mechanisms established after the Second World War until today, in the social and symbolic dimension it takes on in the accomplishment of a residential trajectory and a process of personalization, or through its political function in the study of multi-scale fabrications of public policy framework documents, housing is part of a necessarily multidisciplinary debate within which these twelve sessions are embedded. Urban history, economic geography, urban planning and the sociology of public action will be combined with technical tools to offer participants a collective reflection on the design of housing policies.

Short practical workshops on reading urban planning documents and manipulating data will punctuate the sessions. This seminar will be based on texts and works presented during the sessions, but also on the work and questioning of the participants.

•  Seminar Territory and territorial public action Master / PhD (2 hours) “Public-Private fabrications of the city, strategic issues of recourse to private actors in territorial planning. Typology of contractualizations and territorial strategies”

2020-2021 :

École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales – Teaching fellow

•  Collective survey on the Parisian metropolis: questioning the local anchoring of the Condorcet campus Master / PhD (24 hours)

Scientific activities

Organisation of scientific events

  • Study day of the mention “Territories and Development” “Presenting a research in Territories and Development'”, Tuesday 2022 – Campus Condorcet, Aubervilliers

Involvement in research projects

  • Since 2020 Transverse Subject – Making the city: Processes, Actors, Practices, conducted by Antoine Fleury et Juliette Maulat, contribution in a collective book project.

Professional activities

July 2019Researcher trainee – Paris Est Marne la Vallée University

Administration of 201 surveys alongside Île-de-France tourists in order to question their travel modes in the Region. The study was mandated by the board of the Île-de-France Region in order to anticipate and chart the public transportation offer during the Paris 2024 Olympic Games, realised by the Observatory for Research on Mega-Events (ORME) and conducted by Marie Delaplace.

Scholarships and awards

2020 Doctoral contract scholarship (3 years) at EHESS

Administrative responsibilities

  • Since 2022 : Representative of the doctoral students of the UMR Géographie-Cités
  • Since 2022 : Member of the working group on Digital Communication of Géographie-Cités