
Aurélie DOUET




Work in progress
Development of the Mobiliscope

Geomatics, R, geovisualisation, webmapping, data processing, cartography, statistical and spatial analysis, GIS, open social science, reproducibility, accessibility

Géographie-cités • Campus Condorcet
5 cours des Humanités
93322 Aubervilliers cedex (France)

Since 2018, I have been working with Julie Vallée on the development of the Mobiliscope, a free and open-source web mapping platform for the interactive exploration of cities around the clock. Using large origin-destination surveys, it includes 58 cities and their region in 5 countries (49 cities in France, 6 in Quebec/Canada and 3 in Latin America).

One of my current missions is to use the Mobiliscope database to create typologies based on the daily rhythms observed in French cities. These typologies will be linked to public action and statistics zonings, such as the Zonage en Aires d’Attraction des Villes – ZAAV, 2020 or the national plan Action Cœur de Ville – ACV.

In addition, I am currently integrating data on the daily trips of people during the Covid period in the Île-de-France region. This work is part of the MAMA scientific programme and contributes to the empirical understanding of the impact of the health crisis on the dynamics of daily mobility.


Douet A, Vallée J. 2021. « L'(im)mobilité quotidienne des femmes et des hommes ». Fiche de synthèse pour le Rapport 2020 de l’Observatoire National de la Politique de la ville, pp. 150-151. {texte}.


2017 Master 2 CarthaGéo Pro, Parcours Thématique – Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne et ENSG