

PhD student

Université Paris Cité

P.A.R.I.S. (Géographie-Cités)

maxime.guinepain ( at )

Research themes
Everyday practices – Middle classes – Mobilities – Social categories – Social groups – Social mix – Spaces of reference/of living – Spatial dimension of inequalities

Transversal subjects (Géographie-Cités)
Mobilities and territories: towards a relational approach to space

Bureau des doctorant·es, 7e étage
Bâtiment Olympe de Gouges
Place Paul Ricoeur, 75013 Paris 13e (France)

As a PhD student at the Géographie-Cités laboratory, also working with ESO in Nantes (Space and Societies), I work on the social positioning implied by mobilities and everyday activities and about the way social relations are shaped by them, with a focus on the lower middle-class. My hypothesis is that these ordinary practices express discreet forms of distinction, while mobilities and ways of living apparently seem very similar throughout Western (and especially) the French society, when not considering the most precarious social groups (those that are said to be “excluded” from this very large “middle” core). This study will be based upon interviews and fieldwork conducted in several places in France. I also work on the Cerema “Base Unique” database, which aggregates dozens of “Enquêtes Ménages-Déplacements” (Household-Mobilities Surveys), and take on the comparative approach developped by the Mobiliscope project. My PhD is prepared under supervision by Julie Vallée (Géographie-Cités) and Jean Rivière (ESO Nantes).

Aside this research, I work with students upon subjects such as economical and social geography at the Université Paris Cité.


2020-…: PhD preparation at the Université Paris Cité, “École doctorale 624: Sciences des sociétés”

2019-20: Géoprisme Masters Degree obtained at the Université Paris Cité.
Degree thesis entitled Des pratiques spatiales propres aux classes moyennes ? L’exemple de la Loire-Atlantique (“Middle Class social practicies? A case study in Loire-Atlantique”), supervised by Julie Vallée.

2017-19: Pedagogical training and preparation to become a patented teacher in state schools.

2016-17 : First year of “Sciences sociales” Master’s formation at the ENS de Lyon.
I have realized a thesis entitled Collèges et carte scolaire : espaces de réussite, espaces d’échec. Une étude des discontinuités dans la structuration de l’espace scolaire et urbain de l’Est lyonnais (“Secondary schools and School map: from spaces of success to spaces of failure. A study of discontinuities in the structuration of school- and urban space in the eastern part of Lyon”) under the supervision of Antoine Laporte (EVS, Lyon).

2016: “Géographie et aménagement” Bachelor degree at the Université Lumière Lyon 2


2020-… : tutorials supervision as a PhD student at Université Paris Cité

  • L’Espace économique (economics in space), 44 hours
  • Géographie sociale (social geography), 20 hours


Journal articles

in French:

GUINEPAIN Maxime, 2021. « Les ‘‘choix scolaires’’ des parents de classe moyenne et supé-rieure dans leur contexte », EchoGéo n°55, online, to be read at :

Oral communications

in French:

GUINEPAIN Maxime, 2021. « Des mobilités moyennes aux mobilités normées. Pour une étude croisée des déplacements quotidiens et du positionnement social », atelier des doctorants du RT9-AFS, July 5th 2021 in Lille, France.