Varvara TOURA
PhD student
valiatoura ( at )
Research theme
Deindustrialization, sustainable cities, citizen engagement
Transversal subjects
Making the City: Processes, Actors, Practices
Géographie-cités • Campus Condorcet
5 cours des Humanités
93322 Aubervilliers cedex (France)
Architect engineer and urban planner by training, I worked as an architect-urban planner in France and Greece, my country of origin, before starting a thesis at EHESS in 2017. The objective of my thesis, conducted under the supervision of Marie-Vic Ozouf-Marignier, is to question the emergence of new territorial policies in deindustrialized cities in France within the framework of sustainable city programs and participatory public policies. We can observe that in this context the new territorial policies succeed in revitalizing the economic and social tissue of these cities. The thesis develops a comparative approach of two redevelopment projects for deindustrialized sites in France, Ile-de-Nantes and the Docks-de-Seine in Saint-Ouen, focusing on the case studies of two urban projects representative of participatory public policies, both located in central districts of deindustrialized cities. The aim of the research is to propose new urban planning models for deindustrialized cities, within the framework of sustainable development, by making the connection between the urban renewal programs within these cities and the question of the preservation of their industrial heritage.
2017-present Thesis Territoires Migrations Développement – EHESS/Géographie-Cités
2015 Master 2 – Urban and regional planning- Institut d’urbanisme de Paris
2014 Master 2 – Architecture- Aristotle university of Thessaloniki (Greece), School of engineering/ Department of architects engineers
Journal articles
TOURA V, 2020, “ From urban shrinkage to participatory development processes ” , Mondes sociaux (digital magazine of human and social sciences), 17 february 2020– infos en ligne
Book Chapter
TOURA V, 2021, “Emerging socio-economic inequities during the Covid-19 pandemic. The landscapes of the Parisian suburbs ”, in Borlini M. M. and Califano A. (eds.) URBAN CORPORIS UNEXPECTED, Anteferma editions, Conegliano, Italy, pp. 223-233.
Oral communications
Oral communications at an international conference
TOURA V, 2022 (scheduled), “ Preservation of industrial heritage and new approaches in urban planning. Examples of two urban renewal projects in France : the sustainable neighborhoods Ile-de-Nantes and Docks-de-Seine ”, conference of the International Committee for the Conservation of Industrial Heritage (TICCIH) initially scheduled for September 2021 and postponed to September 2022, Montreal.
TOURA V, 2022, “Is there a good scale of intervention for the “ephemeral projects”? Crossed views on the “spatial ephemeral” in public spaces’ development projects in the north and south of Europe”, international conference of the International Geographical Union (IGU), July 2022, Paris.
TOURA V, 2022, “Challenges and opportunities in the preservation of industrial cultural heritage after the deindustrialization era. The reintegration in the urban tissue of two former industrial sites in France: Ile-de-Nantes and Docks-de-Seine”, international conference Heritage for the future, science for heritage organized by la Fondation des sciences du patrimoine, March 2022, Paris.
TOURA V, 2021, “ Rethinking the cities’ transformations after urban pandemics in previous centuries. A possible link with the post-Covid-19 era? ”, congress of the European Sociological Association (ESA), September 2021, Barcelona (online event).
TOURA V, 2021, “ Rethinking creativity at neighborhood level in the post-industrial era. The case studies of two urban voids redevelopments in France : Ile-de-Nantes and Docks-de-Seine ”, international conference Grand Projects organized by Iscte/Instituto Universitário de Lisboa, February 2021, Lisbon (online event).
TOURA V, 2019, “ Deindustrialization and urban shrinkage. Achieving urban sustainability in former industrial cities in France : the case studies of Nantes and Saint-Ouen ”, annual congress of the Association of European Schools of Planning (AESOP), July 2019, Venice.
TOURA V, 2019, “ The French sustainable neighborhoods as city transformers ”, international conference Public Space+ organized by the Greek engineers association (TEE), March 2019, Thessaloniki.
Oral communications at a national conference (France)
TOURA V, 2020, “ From industrial city to sustainable city : the transformation of former industrial sites into sustainable neighborhoods. The case studies of Ile-de-Nantes and Docks-de-Seine ”, poster presented during the CILAC young researcher award, January 24, 2020, Paris.
TOURA V, 2019, “ From urban shrinkage to participatory planning processes. The case studies of two urban renewal projects in France : Ile-de-Nantes and Docks-de-Seine in Saint-Ouen ”, annual conference of the Association for Regional Science in French Language for doctoral research (Doctorales ASRDLF), February 2019, Grenoble.
TOURA V, 2018, “Deindustrialization and urban shrinkage. The interdependence of inter-municipal public policies and the local challenges in two urban renewal projects in France : Ile-de-Nantes and the Docks-de-Seine in Saint-Ouen ”, annual conference of the Association for Regional Science in French Language (ASRDLF), July 2018, Caen.
Oral communications at workshops and seminars (France)
TOURA V, 2022, “Challenges and opportunities in the preservation of industrial heritage after deindustrialization. Comparison of the process of redevelopment of two former industrial sites: Ile-de-Nantes and Docks-de-Seine”, PhD workshop of EHGO, January 27-28, 2022, Fontainebleau
TOURA V, 2019, “ From industrial city to sustainable city: transformations of former industrial wastelands into eco-neighborhoods. The case studies of Ile-de-Nantes and Docks-de-Seine ”, seminar of EHESS Territory and History of Geography, February 11, 2019
Marie-Vic Ozouf, Varvara Toura, Karl Berthelot, 2017, “The policy of eco-neighbourhoods: general aspects and study of examples”, seminar of EHESS Territory and territorial public action, December 14, 2017
Honors, Awards and Fellowships
2020 Young researcher award from the Franco-Swedish Research Association (AFSR) in the category of doctoral students
2020 Finalist for the CILAC young researcher award in industrial heritage
2019 Winner of a grant from the Caisse des Dépôts Institute for Research