Cycle de production des indicateurs produits par le projet MobiTIC. Zbigniew Smoreda, Orange R&D.

Dates: 2020 – 2024

Intralaboratory Program Leader: Thomas Louail

Laboratory members involved in the program: Nadine Cattan, Ludovic Chalonge, Hadrien Commenges, Thomas Louail, Julie Vallée

Team involved: PARIS

Partner Organisations: IFSTTAR, INSEE, Orange

Extralaboratory Program leader: Latifa Oukhellou (IFSTTAR), Élise Coudin (INSEE), Zbigniew Smoreda (Orange)

Funding: ANR

Transversal subjects concerned: Mobilities and territories: towards a relational approach to space; Data and protocols in the digital humanities


Description: MobiTIC is a collaborative research program that gathers public research institutions (CNRS, IFSTTAR), the national statistics bureau (INSEE) and the main mobile network operator in France (Orange). We aim to develop a reproductible methodology to produce representative indicators of people presence and mobility, frequently updated and at very fine spatial and temporal scales.