

PhD student

Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne


fannycottet.fc ( at )

Research Topics:
Temporary Urbanism / Urban Commons / Alternative Real Estate / Urban Projects / third places

Real Estate Storming the Commons: Alternative Real Estate Models against Market Logics.

This urban planning thesis juxtaposes urban and real estate production with an approach rooted in the theory of commons, specifically focusing on urban commons.

The locations under scrutiny can include commercial ground floors or buildings dedicated to tertiary activities; they might be part of mixed spaces accessible to the public. Their common thread lies in the desire to diverge from the conventional market economy by offering affordable and supportive rates and rents, as well as specific forms of governance, decision-making, and collective management. Indeed, there’s an observed inaccessibility of real estate and land markets subjected to excessively high rates, making it challenging for low-value-added activities (solely from an economic standpoint), often originating from the associative world or the social and solidarity economy, to establish or sustain themselves. In response, the analyzed urban commons aim to provide activity spaces for these stakeholders.

At this stage, my research considers land and real estate resources within the competitive markets of French metropolises as a characteristic of so-called ‘urban’ commons. This is because their communalization, associated property systems, and collective management stem from tensions, market logics, phenomena of appropriation, and the transformation of produced values into market value.

This urban planning thesis facilitates the examination of the actors, processes, tools, and effects of activity sites applying supportive rates in metropolises, as well as their integration into public policies.


2019 – Ongoing: Doctorate in Urban Planning and Development – University of Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, “Real Estate Storming the Commons? Alternative Real Estate Models against Market Logics.”

2022-2023: Recipient of the Palladio Foundation Scholarship under the aegis of the Fondation de France.

2018: Master’s and Magistère in Urban Planning and Development – University of Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne

2014: Bachelor’s Degree in Urban Planning and Development – University of Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne

Professional Activities:

2022: Completion of the Doctorate. Consulting missions for various public institutions and companies. Engagement in the creation of serious games related to urban planning and development with the association Quartiers Ludiques.

2019 – 2022: CIFRE Contract. Doctorate, University of Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, UMR 8504 Géographie-cités. CIFRE Thesis at Plateau Urbain, a temporary urban planning and solidarity real estate cooperative.

2018 – 2019: Study Manager, Plateau Urbain. Implementation of strategies to define real estate models with controlled rents. Monitoring missions of La Preuve Par 7, an experimental architectural approach.

2018: Paris Region Institute

Scientific Activities:

Participation in Research Projects

Doctoral Network on Third Places in France

Engagement in the network and organization of meetings. National Projects

2016 – 2019 Post-Car Île de France (Towards a Reduction in Motorized Individual Mobility? Prospective Models and Scenarios, Project funded by the Forum des Vies Mobiles, Arnaud Banos, Sandrine Berroir, Hadrien Commenges, Jean Debrie, Juliette Maulat, etc.)

Transversality “Urban Fabrics” of the laboratory

2020 – 2021 Study Cycle “Urban Experiments,” Albertelli M., Cottet F., Pedro M., Rollinde N.

Organization of Colloquiums/Seminars:

July 26-28, 2022: Organizing urban walks for the Urban Commission colloquium of the UGI (International Geographical Union). Alongside Inès Delépine, Antoine Gosnet, and Mathilde Pedro.

Doctoral Students’ Meetings: Organizing monthly meetings for doctoral students from the Géographie-Cités and Prodigue laboratories. Albertelli M., Cottet F., Nicolle C., Perez-Houis C., Tanikawa K.


Supervision of Master’s Theses (both Master 1 and Master 2) in Geography and Urban Planning in 2022, 2023, and 2024.


2023-2024: Guest lecturer in the context of the M2 Economics and Metropolitanization course (M2 Urban Planning and Development at Paris 1) (2 hours).

2022-2023: Instructor in M2 “Sustainable Urban Planning, specializing in Temporal Urbanism” at IATEUR in Reims (15 hours).

2021-2022: Instructor in Master 2 Urban Planning and Development, Professional Practices and Project course (8 hours), University of Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne.

2021-2022: Instructor in Master 1 Urban Planning and Development, Territorial Diagnosis course (20 hours), University of Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne.

2020-2021: Instructor in Bachelor 1 Urban Planning and double degree in Eco-Geography, Territorial Diagnosis course (48 hours), University of Paris Cité.

2019-2020: Instructor in Bachelor 1 Urban Planning and double degree in Eco-Geography, Territorial Diagnosis course (24 hours), University of Paris Cité.

2019-2020: Instructor in Bachelor 3 Urban Planning, Urban Studies course (18 hours), University of Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne.

2018-2019: Instructor in Bachelor 1 Geography, Statistics and Cartography course (36 hours), University of Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne.


Journal Articles

(Forthcoming) Cottet F., Fleury F., Rollinde N., « Au pied du Grand Paris : nouvelles fabriques des rez-de-chaussée » in Barles S., Fleury A., Maulat J. (dir.), Fabriques du Grand Paris.

In progress: “De l’infiltration à la coopération avec le monde opérationnel : l’origine de la polycompétence la chercheur.e Cifre.” (From Infiltration to Cooperation with the Operational World: The Origin of the Multiskilled Researcher in CIFRE), M. Albertelli, F. Cottet, T. Moroni, and M. Pedro. 2022. Publication of the Colloquium Proceedings.

Arnaud BANOS, Fanny COTTET, and Jean DEBRIE, 2021, “Jouer et modéliser un territoire sans voiture : retour d’expérience sur le projet post-car Île-de-France” (Playing and Modeling a Territory Without Cars: Experience from the Post-Car Île-de-France Project), Netcom – online information

Specialized Professional Press

(Forthcoming) Fanny Cottet, Plateau Urbain, 2023. “Pour un immobilier d’activité abordable ?” (Towards Affordable Activity Real Estate?), Book for the 10th anniversary of Plateau Urbain.

Fanny Cottet, Paul Citron, Patrick Bouchain, October 2020, “Les lieux infinis comme avant-garde des nouveaux communs urbains.” (Infinite Places as Vanguard of New Urban Commons), Nouvelles Urbanités.

Fanny Cottet, Paul Citron, Simon Laisney, September 2020. “Urbanisme transitoire : un nouvel outil dans la production de nos rez-de-ville ?” (Transitory Urbanism: A New Tool in the Production of Our Ground Floors?), Business Immo.

Fanny Cottet, Paul Citron, Simon Laisney, Mathias Rouet, September 2020. “Offrir des lieux aux activités écologiques, sociales et solidaires” (Providing Spaces for Ecological, Social, and Solidarity Activities), Business Immo.

Other Professional Publications

“Guide pratique l’accès au foncier des acteurs de l’économie sociale et solidaire, November 2022, CRESS Centre-Val de Loire, Fanny Cottet UMR Géographie-Cité, et Thibault Berlingen Villages Vivants. (Practical Guide to Land Access for Actors in the Social and Solidarity Economy)

“Guide Foncier. Foncières et tiers-lieux. Panorama des foncières illustrant leur diversité”. 2022. Publication de l’association nationale des Tiers-lieux, rapport collectif. Fanny Cottet de Base Commune, Mayeul Beaudet et Juliette Bompoint de La Main 93.0, Raphaël Boutin Kuhlmann de Villages Vivants, Cécile Galoselva de Etic, foncièrement responsable, Laurent Courouble de La Compagnie des Tiers-Lieux, Alexandre Born de Bellevilles, Nicolas Détrie de Yes We Camp, David Doutreleau de Bien sur Terre, Théo Lachmann et Rémy Seillier de l’Association Nationale des Tiers-Lieux. (Land Guide. Land Companies and Third Places. Overview of land companies illustrating their diversity.)

“AMO création d’une foncière de tiers-lieux au sein de la MEL, 2022.” Study conducted as part of a support contract for the European Metropolis of Lille, 2022. Authors: Fanny Cottet (Base Commune), Raphaël Boutin-Kuhlmann (Villages Vivants), European Metropolis of Lille, Compagnie des Tiers-Lieux. – Online Information

France Tiers Lieux, 2023. “Guide des tiers-lieux à destination des collectivités.” (Guide to Third Places for Local Authorities). Author of Sheet No. 2 “Land. Finding a Place, Hosting to Grow” – Online Information

(Forthcoming): France Tiers Lieux, 2023. “Guide foncier des tiers-lieux”. (Land Guide for Third Places). Villages Vivants, La Main, Bien sur terre, F. Cottet. Publication Direction: F. Cottet.

Communication in an international conference:

“Temporary urbanism as an urban commons’ prefiguration tool. The case of « Les Grands Voisins » (Paris)”. AAG Session “Geographies of Improvisation, Rapid Adaptation and of the Temporary”, 11 avril 2021, Seatle, Colloque en ligne.

“The serious game »Mission Post-Car 2060 », 59th ERSA Congress, University of Lyon, France. 28 august 2019.

Presentations at national conferences and study days:

Table-ronde “Le foncier, nouvel objet de coopération territoriale pour l’ESS ?”, 22e Colloque du RIUESS “Le développement territorial à la lumière de l’ESS”, Mai 2023.

Intervention pour l’AFS, Agence Française de Sociologie, Biennale de Sociologie de l’Urbain, Décembre 2022.

Intervention au 17ème Congrès du RIODD “Communs, communautés, territoires : Quelles voies pour les transitions ?”, Novembre 2022.

Colloque de l’ASRDLF Rennes. Session “Tiers-lieux solidaires et territoires : l’innovation sociale peut-elle se passer de la puissance publique ?”, juin 2022.

“Real estate and the urban commons. Alternative real estate models to market logics.”, colloque de la Commission Urbaine de l’UGI, juillet 2022.

“Construire un modèle foncier et immobilier solidaire pour les tiers-lieux, une réponse à l’institutionnalisation ?” Colloque de l’ASRDLF Rennes, juin 2022.

“La thèse Cifre en urbanisme, « Tu veux quelle réponse ? Est-ce que je parle avec ma casquette de chargée de projet, de coopératrice, de doctorante, de personne politiquement sensibilisée sur ce sujet » ?”, Décembre 2021.

Posters :

Colloque « Espaces à saisir : interstices et communs urbains. », Tours, 10 et 11 décembre 2020.

Presentations at professional seminars:

Tiers-Lieux pour l’Europe (TP4EU), juin 2023.

Table-ronde « La propriété au service du droit à la ville ? », conversations de Plateau Urbain, Avril 2023.

Intervention auprès de la Métropole de Bordeaux dans le cadre du Forum « Inventer Demain », novembre 2022.

Intervention Cours M2 à l’Université Paris Nanterre, Octobre 2022.

Intervention lors de la Conférence sur les Tiers-Lieux à l’Université Polytechnique Hauts-de-France, septembre 2022.

Intervention au Mipim 2022, Table-ronde du Ministère de la Culture.

Rencontres tiers-lieux de la Coopérative des Tiers-Lieux, mars 2022.

Table-ronde – Un outil foncier culturel pour les lieux du futur. Rencontre organisée le 21 octobre 2020.

Intervention dans la Formation « Grand Paris : agir en situation métropolitaine », juin 2020.

Intervention dans le Diplôme Universitaire “Espaces Communs”, avril 2020.

“LES GRANDS VOISINS Inclusive planning. How to translate temporary experience into operational planning schemes?” Urban Maestro Workshop #2, janvier 2020.