Andrea KocsisThe commemoration of the First World War in capital cities (1918-2020)

Andrea Kocsis, PhD, Cambridge University, will speak on Thursday, April 7, 2022 as part of the Geography and Social Sciences seminar directed by Marie-Vic Ozouf-Marignier and Nicolas Verdier, members of Géographie-cités.

from 2:30 to 4:30 pm

room 50 of the EHESS building on the Condorcet campus.


In this talk, the question of interdisciplinarity between history, heritage sciences and geography will be discussed. By relying on these disciplines, we will try to understand the development and the evolutions of the heritage of the First World War in the case of the cities of Budapest, Paris and London. We will also look at the impact of these processes on national narratives about the war and their consequences for urban space.

The presentation will review the role of interdisciplinarity in the research, the theoretical framework, and the methodology used, before proposing a comparison of the topographies of World War I heritage in the three capital cities. The three places of investigation are strongly distinguished, either by an intense diffusion in space (London), or by a restrictive organization based on a limited network of routes (Paris), or finally by a collection of relocations of a very reduced heritage according to the political regimes (Budapest).

Geography and Social Sciences Seminar

This seminar is a continuation of the seminar “History and Geography, Time and Space: Crossings and Fertilizations”, whose questions it wishes to extend and broaden. Without abandoning the previous articulation between geographical and historical dimensions, nor the questioning of the relations between space and time, our project is to question other disciplinary interfaces or confrontations between geography and other social sciences, and even between geography and earth or life sciences.