Étienne Dufour (Université Paris-1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, Laboratoire Géographie-cités, France) is invited by The Rachel Carson Center for Environment and Society to present on “A History of the Marginalization of Agricultural Recycling of Urban Organic Waste in the Area of Paris, France (1940s-1990s)”.

Lunchtime Colloquium
12:30 – 13:45
Katholische Hochschulgemeinde
Leopoldstr. 11, 1. OG Saal

Etienne Dufour is a PhD student in planning and geography at the Université Paris-1 Panthéon-Sorbonne under the direction of Sabine Barles. His thesis focuses on the history of «biogeochemical policies», namely on the orientation of urban organic waste treatment. In particular, he analyses the marginalisation of agricultural recycling of urban waste and excreta in the Ile-de-France region between the 1940s and 1990s. Since April 2023 and to september 2023, he is a visiting scholar at the Rachel Carson Center in Munich, Germany (Landhaus fellowship).

About the Rachel Carson Center for Environment and Society

The Rachel Carson Center for Environment and Society (RCC) is an international center dedicated to the study of environment and society from a wealth of different disciplines and international perspectives.

The Lunchtime Colloquium series consists of short, 20–30 minute presentations by RCC fellows. The talks are based on the fellow’s own research, often focusing on their most recent project. Designed to stimulate discussion, the presentations are accessible and are aimed at a non-specialist audience.

All talks are completely free and open to the public. The talks may be of interest to undergraduate and graduate students in Munich, or to anyone with an interest in environmental issues. To make the Lunchtime Colloquia available to people outside of Munich, the presentations are recorded and published on the RCC’s YouTube channel.

RCC’s website

RCC ‘s calendar of events