logo arcsWhatever the discipline, researchers have freed themselves from large publishing houses to disseminate their publications. In two articles published on the Metanews platform, Lucile Veissier traces the history of researchers who have freed themselves from publishing houses by creating totally free and open access overlay journals, such as ARCS, a multidisciplinary scientific journal devoted to network analysis in the humanities and social sciences.

Created in 2016, ARCS – Analyse de réseaux pour les sciences sociales / Network analysis for social sciences – publishes articles in French or English, encouraging reproducible research approaches and open data. It was created by the research group 3771 Analyse de réseaux en SHS (2016-2020). It is supported by the Géographie-cités research unit and hosted on Episciences, a platform for editing and publishing overlay journals covering all disciplines.

“Within the framework of the GDR, our ambition was to bring together the French-speaking communities that use network analysis: sociologists, historians, geographers, etc.

Marion Maisonobe, researcher at the Géographie-cités, now co-director of the journal

The publication of this journal is part of the policy implemented by Géographie-cités to support and develop open science. Indeed, Géographie-cités shares datasets, source codes and additional material produced by its researchers. To facilitate access to these resources and allow their reuse in accordance with FAIR principles, several collections have been set up on permanent warehouses, notably on Zenodo and Nakala.

Consult the open data of the UMR Géographie-cités

Director of the journal: Claire Lagesse, Laurent Beauguitte, Marion Maisonobe
Year of creation: 2017
Legal entity: UMR8504 Géographie-cités
Disciplines: geography, history, sociology
Languages of the publication: English, French
Evaluation procedure: single blind

Calls for papers and guidelines
Calls for Papers: arcs@episciences.org

See also

Lucile Veissier. Creating a journal: they did it (Ep.1).The MetaNews, 21/4/2023 (In French)
Lucile Veissier. Creating a journal: they did it (Ep.1).The MetaNews, 28/4/2023 (In French)