
Exchange and Proximity: The First Law of Geography

28 April 2021|Webinaires|

This MOOC provides an opportunity to become familiar with the observation of exchange flows between places, to develop a better understanding of modelling compared to maps that may seem inextricable, and to learn how to use the gravity model to understand exchanges and interactions in the spatial organization of societies.

Networks for Understanding the World

28 April 2021|Webinaires|

At the end of this course, you will be able to describe how networks are designed and organized to develop a territory, state some basic principles of graph theory and make simple measurements, and explain the results of their application in many areas where they are used today.

Global City Systems

28 April 2021|Webinaires|

At the end of this course, you will have a global vision of what determines the diversity of cities in terms of size, economic activity, social composition, and landscape and cultural variety throughout the world. You will have the keys to understand the scope for actions that contribute to their evolution. You will have a clear awareness of the richness associated with urban diversity in terms of possible solutions for the sustainability of development and “living together.”

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