Carpates slovaques Sucani, la Fatra, (plaque de verre), circa 1911-1923. Emmanuel de Martonne
Dates: 2021 – 2022
Intralaboratory Program Leaders: Gaëlle Hallair, Nicolas Verdier
Laboratory members involved in the program: Jean-Marc Besse, Ségolène Débarre
Team involved: EGHO
Partner Organisations: Consortium ImaGEO ; UMR PRODIG ; Bibliothèque inter-universitaire de la Sorbonne ; Bibliothèque de l’institut de géographie de Paris
Funding: TGIR Huma-num via consortium IMAGEO
Transversal subjects concerned: Mobilities and territories: towards a relational approach to space; Stabilities and fluidity of geographical objects; Urban fabrics: processes, actors, practices; Data and protocols in the digital humanities
Description: Phase 2 of the project, within the framework of Digital Humanities, promotes a second body of archives by geographer Emmanuel de Martonne (1873-1955) consisting of 6 field notebooks and 400 glass plates. As for phase 1, phase 2 analyzes, documents, archives and disseminates the archives according to a threefold problematic: that of the geographical heritage of textual and iconographic sources, that of Open Science and that of innovation in Human and Social Sciences.