ECTQG’23 will take place in Braga (Portugal) between 14 and 17 September 2023. Several members from the Géographie-cités laboratory will be taking part.
Keynote talks
- Clémentine Cottineau – Modelling urban economic segregation: a theoretical and quantitative quest for causal processes and their interactions across scales
- Julie Vallée – Everyday geographies, neighbourhood effects and urban segregation
Oral communications
- Robin Cura & Marion Maisonobe – Geography of musical listening: variations in scale and time
- Julie Gravier – Time budgets and forms of preindustrial cities: time for empirical studies
- Nicolas Szende– Investigating the place of theoretical geography in British SDS (spatial data science) research institutions: some draft typologies.
Special sessions
- Clémentine Cottineau, Isabelle Thomas, Denise Pumain & Juste Raimbault – Theoretical Geography
- Juste Raimbault, Denise Pumain & Romain Reuillon – New Methods for the Validation of Spatial Simulation Models
Organized by CITTA – the Research Centre for Territory, Transport and Environment of the Universities of Coimbra and Porto, ECTQG’23 is the 23rd edition of a prestigious conference series initiated in 1978 within which a wide variety of themes is addressed, such as epistemology and theory, geographic information science, geo-visualisation, spatial statistics, spatial interactions, networks, big geo-data, agent-based models, computer simulations, artificial life and intelligence, time geography, geo-history/archaeology, urban patterns and growth, fractals, scaling laws, economic geography, environmental and social sustainability, climate change, health geography, and transport and land use.