Organized in partnership with the University of Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, INED and the Condorcet Campus, this colloquium will be held from November 15 to 17, 2023. Scientific coordination will be provided by Claude GRASLAND (Géographie-cités/Université Paris Diderot) and France GUERIN-PACE (UR12/Ined).
The call for papers is open until February 27th, 2023 (17 sessions).
The 6th CIST conference will focus on two questions: how to teach about territories (academic knowledge, empirical methods, disciplinary approaches, etc.) and how to learn from territories (observing, exploring, describing, experiencing, etc.). Whether defined as a theoretical object of scientific knowledge that can be taught or as a body of practices that can be passed on, there is no escaping the need to address the issue of the relationship between the apparent universality of the concept of territory, on the one hand, and the variety of uses to which the term is put and the range of practices associated with it, on the other. Unlike the concept of space, which has given rise to numerous theoretical models, the notion of territory directly addresses the relationship between individuals, groups or societies and real places, involving interactions between these people and the territories in question.
The objective of the following sessions is to highlight, on the one hand, the specific features of the teaching methods used in territorial sciences in the various disciplines involved, specifically by examining how they vary from one discipline to another and between countries; and on the other, to demonstrate how research in the territorial sciences develops specific methodologies for investigating places and individuals depending on whether the times being studied are periods of calm or of crisis; and on whether the territories in question are unremarkable in their ordinariness or exceptional in some way.
“Man is a semiotic animal whose geographical existence is shaped by languages, systems of signs and codes.”
Raffestin C., 1987
The call for sessions was open until June 6th, 2022.