On the occasion of the publication of a study describing the evolution of social mix and segregation in the Paris region, a round table is organized by the Paris Urbanism Agency (Apur) and Insee in partnership with the Urban School of Science Po.
Wednesday, 15 February, 5pm to 7pm
Amphithéâtre Jean Moulin
13, rue de l’Université – 75007 Paris
Isabelle Kabla-Langlois, Regional Director, Insee Île-de-France
Alexandre Labasse, Chief Executive, Apur
Tommaso Vitale, Dean of the Urban School of Science Po
Presentation of the study
Clément Boisseuil, Sociologist, Apur
David Veal, Statistical Studies Officer, Insee Ile-de-France
Round table
Claire Colomb, Urban planner-sociologist, Professor of urban studies and planning, University College London
Marco Oberti, Sociologist, University Professor, Sciences Po
Edmond Préteceille, Sociologist, Emeritus Research Director, Sciences Po
Julie Vallée, Geographer, CNRS Research Director, Géographie-Cités
Emilie Moreau, Director of Studies, Apur
Tommaso Vitale, Dean of the Urban School
Event in French