

Ph.D. student

University Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne


jeanhmakhlouta (at)
jean.makhlouta (at)

Research theme
Urban geography
Social and cultural geography
Queer and feminist spatial approaches

Transversal subjects
Mobilities and territories: towards a relational approach to space
Stabilities and fluidity of geographical objects

Géographie-cités • Campus Condorcet
5 cours des Humanités
93322 Aubervilliers cedex (France)


Depuis 2020 Ph.D. in Geography, Doctoral School of Geography of Paris, University Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne. Thesis “Repenser la ville par les stratégies spatiales des minorités sexuelles et de genre à Beyrouth” (Rethinking the city through queer urban strategies in Beirut), under the supervision of Nadine Cattan and Stéphanie Dadour.

2017-2019 Master of Architecture (research-based degree), National School of Architecture Paris-Malaquais.

2014-2017 Bachelor of Architecture, National School of Architecture Paris-Malaquais.

2016-2017 University exchange program, Akademie der bildenden Künste Wien.

Scientific activities

Project participation

International projects

2021-2023 ANR Action-Liban « Activer la dimension territoriale de la crise sanitaire » (Activating the territorial dimension of the health crisis), partnership with Géographie-cités (CNRS UMR 8504), Architecture, Culture, Société (CNRS UMR AUSser 3329) and the Lebanese University. Project coordinated by Nadine Cattan.

2021-2022 Participation in the publication project “Les portes d’accès cosmopolites : quand la mondialisation fait lieu” (Cosmopolitan gateways: when globalization becomes a place) directed by Nadine Cattan and Jean-Baptiste Frétigny in the context of a collective work on the Greater Paris area.

2020-2021 Editing of the book Hybrid Mobilities. Transgressive Spatialities (Routledge, 2021) coordinated by Nadine Cattan and Laurent Faret.

Organization of scientific events

2022 Session « Thinking space beyond the binary: critical feminist and queer approaches », with Clément Nicolle, European Geographies of Sexualities Conference, Cadiz, 14-16 September. Call for papers Program

2022 Session « Space, gender, and sexualities: where are we at? », with Milan Bonté et Clément Nicolle, International Geographical Union, Paris, 18-22 July. Call for papers Program

2022 Round-table discussion « Beyrouth au prisme de l’informel : acteurs et stratégies d’une résilience territoriale » (Beirut through the lens of informality: actors and strategies of territorial resilience), Nuit des Idées, University Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, 23 March. Participants: Mazen Haidar, Colette Saba, and Joelle Abou Issa. Program

2019 Round-table discussion « Espace, genre(s) et sexualité(s) », with Mahé Cordier-Jouanne, Festival des savoirs, ENSA Paris-Malaquais, 2 October. Participants : Ariela Katz, Brent Patterson, and Giulia Zonca. Program


Since 2021 Associate researcher, CNRS UMR AUSser 3329 Architecture, Culture, Société, ENSA Paris-Malaquais. Link

Since 2020 Member of the study group « Mobilités et Spatialités » of the LabEx DynamiTe. Link

2022 Affiliate, Beirut Urban Lab, American University of Beirut (January – June 2022). Link

Teaching experience

2022-2023 Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne , UFR de Géographie (64h).

  • “Diagnostic territorial” (Territorial diagnosis), undergraduate program
  • “Peuplements et mobilités” (Populations and mobilities), undergraduate program
  • “Cartographie et statistiques” (Cartographies and statistics), undergraduate program

2021-2022 University Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, UFR de Géographie (59h).

  • “Diagnostic territorial” (Territorial diagnosis), undergraduate program
  • “Peuplements et mobilités” (Populations and mobilities), undergraduate program

2020-2021 University Paris-Est Créteil, UFR Lettres, langues et sciences humaines (51h).

  • “Cartographie de terrain” (Field Mapping), undergraduate program

2019-2020 National School of Architecture Paris-Malaquais (24h).

  • Workshop “Révéler le genre dans l’espace — l’architecture à l’épreuve du féminisme et de la théorie queer” (Revealing gender in space — architecture challenged by feminism and queer theory), undergraduate and master’s program


MAKHLOUTA Jean (2020), « Queeriser l’espace domestique à l’ère numérique » (Queering the domestic space in the digital age), Des féminismes en architecture. Re-vue Malaquais, no. 6, Éditions Beaux-Arts, Paris, pp. 83–88.


Papers in international conferences

Paris 2022 « L’entre-deux de la voiture : lieu queer et éphémère de transgressions socio-spatiales à Beyrouth » (The in-betweeness of the car: a queer and ephemeral site of socio-spatial transgressions in Beirut), L’éphémère spatial, International Geographic Union, Centre Panthéon, 18-22 July. Program

Rennes 2021 « The fluid and the ephemeral as transgression: queer mobilities and space-making in Beirut », Transgression: A New Paradigm?, European Architectural History Network Thematic Conference, ENSA Rennes, 17-21 November. Program

Madrid 2021 « Spatial mobility as agency? Queer strategies in Beirut », Urban (Im)mobilities and Borderland Narratives, Universidad de Alcalá, 14-15 October. Program

Papers in national conferences (France)

Tours 2022 « Où l’interdit prend forme : espaces d’appropriations des minorités sexuelles et de genre à Beyrouth » (Where the forbidden takes place: queer spaces in Beirut), À qui appartient la ville ?, Biennale RT9: urban sociology, University of Tours, 7-9 December [upcoming]. Program

Paris 2021 « Nuancer l’absence subie en ville : les pratiques infra-politiques des minorités sexuelles et de genre à Beyrouth » (Nuancing absence in the city: infrapolitical practices of sexual and gender minorities in Beirut, Tenth study day of young geography researchers in Paris “Absence(s) – from the invisible to the unthinkable in geography”, Institute of Geography, 27 September. Program

Invited talks

Oslo 2022 « Mapping multi-scale experiences in the urban fabric: a visual exercise on disclosing spatial dissidence », Dissident Publics: Future Artefacts of Queer Methodologies, seminar coordinated by Bùi Quý Sơn, Paul-Antoine Lucas, Danja Burchard, and Maike Statz, Kunst og arkitektur, 26 August.

Beirut 2022 « Despair in the field/Field of despair: mapping tools, accidents, and bad feelings », Urban Research Methods, graduate course in urban planning, policy, and urban design, coordinated by Mona Harb, Department of Architecture and Design, American University of Beirut, 14 April.

Paris 2021 « Un droit à la ville ? Étudier les spatialités de Beyrouth par des pratiques minoritaires » (A right to the city? Studying the spatialities of Beirut through minority practices), Espaces genrés – histoires, théories, pratiques, undergraduate and graduate course coordinated by Bérénice Gaussuin, Ariela Katz, and Brent Patterson, National School of Architecture Paris-Malaquais, 18 May.

Beirut 2020 « The Politics of Space », Prosthesis | a spatial apparatus, undergraduate course coordinated by Vannessa Damous, School of Architecture and Design, Lebanese American University, 2 November.

Paris 2019 « Queer(ing) domesticity: the case of the North American suburban house », Architectural Instability and Indeterminacy, undergraduate and graduate course coordinated by Brent Patterson, National School of Architecture Paris-La Villette, 17 April.

Paris 2019 « Quelles normes genrées dans la conception spatiale en architecture ? » (What gendered norms in spatial design in architecture?), L’érotisme en architecture, undergraduate and graduate course coordinated by François Gruson, National School of Architecture Paris-Malaquais, 10 April.

Participation in round-table discussions

Lyon 2022 « La réappropriation de l’espace urbain par les femmes et les personnes LGBT » (The reappropriation of urban space by women and LGBT people), with Mélodie Gauglin and Clément Nicolle, La ville sous domination « masculine » : produire, habiter et transformer des espaces genrés, University Lumière Lyon 2, 17 January.

Paris 2021 « Recherche et LGBT+ » (Research and LGBT+), with Clara Le Hennaf, Normal ? Diversités dans la recherche, Espace des Sciences Pierre-Gilles de Gennes (ESPGG) – ESPCI Paris PSL, 24 June.

Administrative responsibilities

Since 2021 Member of the support and information committee on harassment of the research unit Géographie-cités.

Honors, Awards and Fellowships

2021 Doctoral fellowship of the research commission of the University of Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne.