Complementarity of symbolic and numerical approaches

This special issue of the International Journal of Geomatics, to which three members of Géographie-cités – Julie Gravier, Lucie Nahassia and Lena Sanders – have contributed, allows us to resituate the respective contributions on the possible and necessary complementarity of numerical and symbolic approaches for the study of spatial dynamics.

This scientific problematic has animated the meetings of the Action Prospective of the GDR CNRS MAGIS during four years, from 2015 to 2020, in interdisciplinarity, of course. Furthermore, this question was analysed from a particularly reflexive point of view, where the different participants have shared their feedbacks and/or formulated original proposals from the different practices experienced in interdisciplinarity.

Introduction: Complementarity of symbolic and numerical approaches for the study of spatial dynamics

Is it possible to identify a methodological approach for studying spatial dynamics, an approach that would draw on the respective contributions of symbolic and numerical approaches?

The first task of the group – which included scientists from different disciplines: geographers, computer scientists, archaeologists, historians, biologists and agronomists – was to agree on what the notion of ontology meant for each of them.

Download Christine Plumejeaud-Perreau, Mireille Fargette, Julie Gravier, Thérèse Libourel, Eric Masson, et al. Introduction : Complementarity of symbolic and numerical approaches for the study of spatial dynamics. International Journal of Geomatics, 2022, 31 (1-2), pp.7-19 (French version only)

Digital versus Symbolic, Ontological. Dialogue Between Two Approaches