affiche atelier S. Robert à OttawaSandrine Robert, member of the Geography-Cities laboratory, will co-lead a retrospective mapping workshop, organized at the University of Ottawa in the History Department on April 1, 2022. The city of Orléans will be used as the object of study to build a geo-historical repository with the students, based on the tools developed by the Paris Time Machine consortium of the TGIR Humanum.

Paris Time Machine Consortium (PTM)

The actions of the Huma-num Paris Time Machine consortium are based on the notion of a geohistorical repository, conceived as a heuristic concept that allows research programs or teams to develop innovative and shareable practices in the analysis of geohistorical objects in accordance with FAIR and open data principles.

Federating actors, capitalizing and enriching the work of previous geo-historical analysis projects (Alpage, heritage data…), systematizing good practices and developing generic processing and analysis tools that will be made available to the SHS research community are some of the objectives of the Huma-num Paris Time Machine consortium.

The choice of the Paris region as the initial experimentation area was chosen by several laboratories at the origin of the project (Arscan, Lamop, ACP,…) to which several institutions of the city of Paris (DHAAP, BHdV, APUR…) have joined. The work of the Consortium is now being extended to other spaces. Thus, the tool used for the visualization of the archaeological map of Paris is also used for that of Chartres.

Visit the PTM Consortium website

Sandrine Robert is an archaeogeographer. She is a lecturer at the Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales (EHESS), in the Geography-Cities laboratory. She previously taught at the University of Paris I (Panthéon-Sorbonne). She founded the Landscape Commission in the International Union of the Prehistoric and Protohistoric Sciences (IUPPS), affiliated to UNESCO and the International Academic Union. She directed the program Dynamique et résilience des réseaux routiers en Ile de France (Dynamics and resilience of road networks in the Ile de France region) and co-directs the workpackage “Systèmes de peuplement sur le temps long” (Settlement systems over long periods of time), in the Laboratoire d’Excellence Dynamique Spatiale et Territoriale (Spatial and Territorial Dynamics Laboratory) of the French Agence Nationale de la Recherche (French National Research Agency). She published La résilience, persistance et changement dans les formes du paysage (ISTE, London, 2021, to be released in English in 2022).