Géographie-cités welcomes Solomon Benjamin, guest researcher at the laboratory from october to november 2022. He will give several lectures during his stay in the laboratory.

Solomon Benjamin is with the Humanities and Social Science Department, Indian Institute of Technology Madras. Earlier, he was at Bangalore’s National Institute of Advanced Studies, and the University of Toronto’s Dept. of Political Science. Benjamin has a PhD from Massachusetts Institute of Technology’s Department of Urban Studies and Planning, and masters in Architectural Studies MIT. Benjamin’s contribution to the academic literature has been the concept ‘Occupancy Urbanism’ highlighting the importance of land’s situated histories. His other research looks at trans-national urbans shaped by traders of electronics between Indian cities’ ‘China Bazaars’ and Shenzhen in China. Benjamin has been part of several international research projects, connected to critical art groups: Delhi’s RAQs media collective, and been invited to the Hong Kong based Asian Art Archive as part of their ’15 Invitations’. He was on the editorial board of Antipode, and is member of the steering committee of International Critical Geographers Group.

Lecture 1: Framing the Land Question in Times of Climate Emergencies
24 October 2022 – 13h00 – 15h00
Solomon J Benjamin Géopolis 2129 Urban Matters Political Ecologies Knowledge & Techniques Institute of Geography and Sustainability, University of Lausanne, Switzerland
Enquiry: KwanChung.Yip@unil.ch (Maurice Yip) https://igd.unil.ch/
Event: https://agenda.unil.ch/display/1664445228608
Download the poster
Zoom link for remotely joining Solomon Benjamin’s seminar at the University of Lausanne, Switzerland: https://unil.zoom.us/j/98406731000 (Zoom account sign-in and app are not required, you can join this zoom meeting directly on the webpage). The seminar will start at 12:30 (GMT+2:00; Central European Time) on 24 October 2022 (Monday).

Lecture 2: Bauhaus of our time: Beyond Style and the Singular Building In a symposium on “Architecture Moderne: Tel Aviv – Mumbai” at the Bauhaus Center Tel Aviv
77 Dizengoff St. Tel Aviv

Nov 3, 2022 – 13:15 -14:00
Join Zoom Meeting : https://us04web.zoom.us/j/71767169863?pwd=ymWKjy9jqVjtcyV918ti2yjJnuoIEV.1
Meeting ID: 717 6716 9863 Passcode: zH6Edw

Lecture 3: Occupancy Urbanism via the spatial story analytic of entangled situated histories in session Problematizing Urban Metropolitan Governance: The Land Question’ in a seminar, Metropolisation and the land question’
7th November AM Time 11:15 
Institution: LADYSS lab Anchoring faculty: Alphonse Yapi-Diahou and Jean-François Valette arranged seminar alphonse.yapi-diahou@univ-paris8.fr Jean-francois.valette02@univ-paris8.fr

Lecture 4: Land’s Situated Spatial Histories: ways to re-conceptualize Metro Peripheries’ Territorial Entanglements
in Actualités de la recherche en Asie du sud – Séminaire du CEIAS – CESSMA – Urban Fabrics.
8th Nov 2022
Information: https://www.cessma.org/Axe-thematique-no2-Villes-du-Sud-pouvoir-pratiques-citadines-et-devenir
Institution: CEIAS (Center for South Asian Studies) Anchoring faculty: Virginie Dutoya, Christine Ithurbide & Loraine Kennedy

Lecture 5: Time Researching the metropolis: How a historiography of “Metropolis” has moved attention away from nuanced consideration of everyday practices constructing ‘the urban’
17th November
In the seminar: “Metropolises and Capitals : local paths in a global world” Labex Dynamite Institution: EHESS Anchoring faculty: Beatriz Fernandez & Eric Denis Geographie-cités’ Lab CNRS – EHESS