logement IDFThose who leave : tracking the residential mobility of disadvantaged households in Île-de-France 

Luc Guibard (Université Paris Cité / Géographie-cités) will present his thesis entitled Those who leave : tracking the residential mobility of disadvantaged households in Île-de-France, under the supervision of Renaud Le Goix (Université Paris Cité / UMR Géographie-cités).

Monday june 24
14 h
Grands Moulins Campus, Université Paris Cité
Salle des thèses (580F)
5th floor of the Halle aux farines
Paris 13


Christophe Imbert, professeur, Université de Rouen-Normandie, rapporteur

Renaud Le Goix, professeur, Université Paris Cité, directeur

Christine Lelévrier, professeure, Université Paris-Est-Créteil, examinatrice

Antonine Ribardière, maîtresse de conférences HDR, Université Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne, examinatrice

Julie Vallée, directrice de recherche, CNRS, examinatrice

Mathieu Van Criekingen, professeur, Université libre de Bruxelles, rapporteur


This thesis focuses on inequalities in residential mobility in the Paris region. For the past two decades, the Paris region has been characterised by a severe housing affordability crisis, linked to real estate price inflation, the spread of gentrification, and the withdrawal of France’s main housing assistance schemes. In this context, the residential vulnerability of the less privileged dwellers has been particularly discussed. These residents appear to face increased risks of inadequate housing, displacement and decentralisation.

Using data from the French Family Benefit Funds, the thesis aims to contribute to the documentation of these processes. Geolocated, available at household level and covering half of the population of the Paris region, data on benefit recipients is a valuable source for analysing residential mobility. It enables a precise monitoring of out-migration. It also allows a multidimensional approach to social inequalities, combining information on the recipient’s economic resources, family and professional characteristics. The contributions and limitations of this administrative source are first presented. Then an integrated and contextualised analysis of the factors explaining the residential mobility of beneficiaries is provided.

This analysis is based on models estimating the risk of households moving house and changing municipality. It confirms the predominant impact of family and professional changes, but also reveals the greater residential instability and less pronounced territorial anchoring of households facing various forms of social vulnerability, particularly in contexts where housing access is more difficult. In Paris, the risk of displacement for disadvantaged households is particularly high.

The second part of the analysis is based on measures of accessibility referring to different forms of centrality (geographical, functional and relative to the former living environment of households), and looks at the trajectories of decentralisation in Île-de-France. This confirms that these trajectories are socially differentiated, but tempers the hypothesis of the suburbanisation of poverty in the region. On the other hand, the discriminatory effect of income on relative decentralisation is clear. As does the greater deterioration in the accessibility of households combining different forms of social vulnerability. Finally, this research highlights the crucial role of the social sector in addressing the effects of the affordable housing crisis in the Paris Region.