Alexandra Mallah, Ph. D. Student (EHESS / Géographie-cités) will participate to a side event to the 87th session of the CEDAW Committee, entitled Towards a gender inclusive cityscape. This event is organized by the University of Geneva’s UNESCO Chair in inclusive toponymy and the City of Geneva’s Agenda 21.

Venue: Room XXIII, Palais des Nations
12 February 2024, 13:25 to 14:55
A light refreshment will be available from 13:00 to 13:20

please kindly RSVP:

About the event
The round table discussion is based on both the innovative and proactive Genevan and Parisian public policies and partnerships promoting a gender inclusive cityscape and a policy brief produced by the Unesco chair in inclusive toponymy.

Alexandra Mallah, Paris, Academic Expert
Héloïse Roman, City of Geneva, Agenda 21
Ina Macina, Roma, Toponomastica Feminile
Frédéric Giraut, Geneva, Unesco Chair in inclusive toponymy“Naming the World”