geonight visuelBelonging and expressive ways of inhabiting it

Jean Marc BESSE will speak at the “Nuit de la géographie 2023”, on April 14, in Ferrara (Italy). 

  • 10:00 am to 12:00 pm: he will give a lecture on “Landscape as a principle of inhabitation”, accessible via this link:
  • 7:00 pm: he will participate in a moment of reflection with a landscape architect and a young researcher in geo-philosophy during an evening that will also include readings of prose and poetry, a dance performance and will end with a moment of restitution and sharing with participants.

Location: Viale Alfonso I d’Este, 13, Ferrara (Italy).

Jean-Marc Besse is director of studies at the EHESS and director of research at the CNRS (UMR 8504 – Géographie-cités), philosopher and specialist in the history of geographical representations. He conducts epistemological, historical and anthropological research on geography and the forms of representation of space and landscape in the modern and contemporary periods. He has published: Voir la Terre. Six essays on landscape and geography (2000), Face au monde. Atlas, jardins, géoramas (2003), Le goût du monde. Exercises in landscape (2009), L’ombre des choses. On landscape and geography (2010), La nécessité du paysage (2018), among others.

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Form of knowledge, form of power

“Choreographing the Earth: belonging and expressive ways of inhabiting it

The event is conceived to draw the citizenry near to some questions linking philosophy and geography: the starting point is the unavoidability of our belonging to the Earth and some related issues coming from the actual debate about Anthropocene and the ecological crisis. A theoretical speech, during the first part of the evening, is going to move from the mesology of Augustin Berque. Then, the passage to the aesthetical and corporeal dimensions will take place by means of prose and poetry reading as well as a dancing performance, focused on the theme of choreographing the Earth. Eventually, there is going to be a time for the discussion. The event is supported by the CTU, with collaboration by Ferrara Off and the contemporary ballet group Corpo Creativo.

The Night of Geography

Initiated in 2017 by the French National Committee of Geography (CNFG) in Paris and in a dozen other French cities, the Night of Geography took in 2018, with the support of EUGEO, a European scale and then, in 2019, with the IGU, an international dimension.
The main objectives of GeoNight are relatively simple: one night (or evening) per year, events are organized simultaneously throughout the world. These events are intended to raise the profile of geography and geographers, to give the general public an opportunity to learn about geographic concepts and studies, and to make geographic research more accessible. Proposed events should, whenever possible, be free and open to the public.

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