Lucie K. Morisset (Université du Québec à Montréal / CÉLAT), visiting professor at EHESS, hosted by the Géographie-cités laboratory, will give two lectures on “Paysages construits : la forme et la mémoire” in February:

“La fiction patrimoniale: des territoires entre exotisme et appartenance”, as part of Marie-Vic Ozouf-Marignier‘s seminar, “Territoire et action publique territoriale”, EHESS, Wednesday February 14, 2024 (2:30pm-4:30pm), Condorcet campus, Centre de colloques, place du Front Populaire, 3rd floor, room 3.08
“Les villes de compagnie dans les Amériques : du dessein au destin”, as part of Claudia Damasceno’s seminar, “Foncier, villes et territoires au Brésil”, EHESS; Tuesday, February 27, 2024 (12:30pm-2:30pm), Bâtiment EHESS-Condorcet, 2 cours des humanités 93300 Aubervilliers, salle A402, EHESS-Mondes Américains, 4th floor.

Lucie K. MorissetLucie K. Morisset

Canada Research Chair on Urban Heritage, Lucie K. Morisset is professor at the Urban and Touristic Studies Department of the School of Management, University of Quebec in Montreal.An historian of architecture by training, she is interested in the the ideas and objects of urban planning, notably in company towns. She has been leading research on the morphogenesis and the semiogenesis of the built landscape and on the relations between identity and culture as they are manifested throughout the practices of heritage and the production of the heritage discourse, including action-research on heritage development and heritage empowerment in partnership with local communities. Lucie K. Morisset is Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada.