Opération immobilière construite sur la gare Wanshengwei par la Compagnie de métro municipale de Guangzhou, 17 mai 2018. Natacha Aveline-Dubach.

Dates: 2019 – 2023

Intralaboratory Program Leader: Natacha Aveline

Laboratory members involved in the program: Marion Albertelli, Jean Debrie, Congcong Li, Juliette Maulat, Mathilde Pedro

Team involved: CRIA

Partner Organisations: University of Liverpool ; Université Gustave Effel ; Créteil (Lab Urba) ; Radboud Univeristy (Nijmegen) ; Tongji Universi-ty (Shanghai) ; Xi’an Jiaotong Liverpool University (Suzhou)

Extralaboratory Program leader: Alex Lord (University of Liverpool)

Funding: Consortium d’agences nationales de moyens ; ANR pour les deux laboratoires français

Transversal subjects concerned: Mobilities and territories: towards a relational approach to space; Stabilities and fluidity of geographical objects; Urban fabrics: processes, actors, practices; Data and protocols in the digital humanities


Description: The Financing Clean Air project brings together researchers from Europe and China to explore how Land Value Capture (LVC) might be used to support the goal of improving air quality in urban environments. The project takes a specific focus on the impacts that transport and housing, particularly domestic heating, have on air quality.

The adaptation of urban environments in China and Europe is necessary to enhance air quality as a mitigating factor in climate change and improve livability. Housing and transportation are major contributors to urban air quality, yet environmental adaptations to reduce air pollution can be costly. Land value capture (LVC) is one attractive possibil-ity for governments to fund these adaptations and enhance the economic, social and environmental sustainability of cities. The uplift in land values achieved through planning consent, infrastructure provision and the effects of eco-nomic growth may be captured by the state using an array of LVC mechanisms. Focusing on housing and transpor-tation improvements, the project explores how varying approaches to LVC can be attuned to varied economic, cul-tural and natural conditions in China and Europe to improve air quality and support sustainable development and urban renewal.

The Géographie-cités laboratory is in charge of WP3 (coordinator Natacha Aveline), in collaboration with LabUrba (Sonia Guelton). This WP explores LVC instruments related to transport infrastructures: metro networks (co-financing of the Grand Paris Express, networks of several Dutch cities and two Chinese cities, Shenzhen and Nangjing) but also river and port infrastructures (Seine Axis and Liverpool Superport Initiative).