
Dates: 2010 – 2023

Intralaboratory Program Leader: Christine Kosmopoulos

Teams involved: CRIA, EGHO, PARIS

Partner Organisation: InSHS

Extralaboratory Program leader: Michèle Dassa

Funding: TGIR Humanum

Transversal subjects concerned: Mobilities and territories: towards a relational approach to space; Stabilities and fluidity of geographical objects; Urban fabrics: processes, actors, practices; Data and protocols in the digital humanities


Description: JournalBase provides a unique service for identifying national and international non-predatory journals in the social sciences and humanities and for comparing their listings in national and international databases. JB is developed in partnership with the INSHS of the CNRS, the UMR-Géographie-cités and with the support of the TGIR Huma-Num for hosting.